Have you ever thought that there must easier way to feel emotionally better? To have a fuller life without divulging your painful traumas to a stranger through endless hours of talk therapy?

Then you are not alone. I have had that same thought after I spent precious time and few financial resources on talk therapy, only to find that it wasn’t for me.

Back then, I   felt as though I was in a confessional at church, recanting all my “sins” to a stranger. And for what? Another appointment where I was expected to recant another subject that I would rather have moved beyond. Way beyond! All this heartfelt ownership of my problems and being brave to do the right thing by seeing a psychoanalyst.

It never clicked for me. No, not the professional who I randomly chose because of my insurance network. Not the constant scheduling and rescheduling of appointments or paying the higher specialist co-pay. Definitely not the discomfort of the surroundings and the worry about who might see me in the waiting room. Oh, and definitely NOT  the therapist who fell asleep while I was responding to an answer she had asked me!

A Better Way


So, I looked for a better way or let me say the universe found one for me.  Hypnotherapy!

Back when I was studying to become a nurse we watched a movie made by Penn State University about a woman who delivered a baby via Cesarean Section with hypnosis alone! I remembered it as being authentic and mainly that it was a documentary 35mm film.

How fortuitous that this was what popped back into my mind years later. I said to myself that if it worked for anesthesia during a major surgery it definitely could help me. So, it became my passion.

In the January of 2019 edition, Penn Medicine published a statement on Hypnotherapy and stated that it is “a therapy that uses hypnosis as either a standalone or a supplemental treatment” and that it “can benefit your health in a variety of ways”.

Hypnosis continues to persevere, many times, last a resort tool in the therapy bag but its time has come to be the favorite tool!

Painless and effective.

Hypnotherapy is both painless and effective.  For approximately 80 percent of the population, hypnosis can be the “go-to” antidote for negative behaviors and habits.  For example smoking and bruxism (aka teeth grinding), nail-biting, even cursing, among just a few. Hypnosis can also be a treatment for anxiety, phobias and it can improve your test-taking ability in just one session!

Even if someone is among the 20 percent who resists hypnosis can enormously aid in relaxation. One of the induction methods for hypnosis is akin to Passive Relaxation and Guided Visualization that today many people think of as forms of meditation. If you are yet to feel comfortable with meditation, hypnosis can assist in the transition.

Here at Trinfinity Wellness LLC, my primary consideration is your safety and confidentiality as that has always been a part of my nursing practice and is never an afterthought!

Learn more about me here and please visit my website and explore some of the ways you can tailor a session to suit your needs.

The new beginning you are searching for is here and it is Hypnotherapy!

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