How To Cope With Trauma After a Car Accident

How To Cope With Trauma After a Car Accident

Swallowing your anxiety and bottling up your emotions has negative long-term ramifications. You may be able to skate by with this strategy for a couple of days; however, moving on from a traumatic event without acknowledging that it happened will be challenging....
Become Your Greatest Love Story

Become Your Greatest Love Story

“I feel like I failed. I thought I knew what he wanted, but I didn’t really know him at all. How can I trust anyone, or even myself, again?” These are the heart-tugging words uttered by one of my recent clients. Divorce, or ending any meaningful relationship, can...

A Simple Method To Improve Emotional Health

Emotional health is an essential part of your overall health, just like your diet and exercise.   Emotionally healthy is the awareness of your emotions.  You are in control of your thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Whether they’re positive or negative you have...
Helping Others Can Make Your Holidays Special

Helping Others Can Make Your Holidays Special

We all have varied experiences when it comes to life and family.  Around the holidays these differences can be very obvious and often times painful.  I have learned that helping others can make your holiday special. I will never forget the year I asked my mom for an...
5 Steps to Overcome Holiday Ho-Hum

5 Steps to Overcome Holiday Ho-Hum

We are officially entering the holiday season. How does this fact land with you? Does watching endless holiday commercials fill you with glee for the coming festivities or does “bah humbug” come rolling off your tongue? Read on for 5 steps to overcome...