How to Recycle Halloween Pumpkins

How to Recycle Halloween Pumpkins

When Halloween is over, what will you do with your pumpkins? Here are a few great ways to continue to enjoy your pumpkins or recycle them out of the landfill! We’ll follow the Environmental Protection Agency’s Food Recovery Hierarchy: Source Reduction,...
The Magic of Menopause: What You Need To Know

The Magic of Menopause: What You Need To Know

There are so many myths and misconceptions about menopause.  Often times, a women’s perception of all phases of “the change” will determine her experience with it. Every woman needs to learn about the magic of menopause. Hormone Replacement Therapy...
Heat Stroke vs Heat Exhaustion

Heat Stroke vs Heat Exhaustion

Heat Stroke vs Heat Exhaustion In many parts of the country the temperatures are still soaring! Knowing the differences of heat stroke vs heat exhaustion is important. It may not be the middle of summer so getting overheated may not be at the forefront of your mind. ...
Digestive Health – Part 3

Digestive Health – Part 3

In the previous articles, I have been discussing The Importance of Digestive Health. Hopefully by now you understand that in order to have health, you have to have a healthy digestive tract. A lot of people ask me: How does the digestive system work?  Here is a simple...
6 Tips for a Great Day 

6 Tips for a Great Day 

When you first wake up in the morning, you’re in a highly vulnerable state. Fresh from the realm of the unconscious, the first thoughts and emotions you experience set the tone for the rest of your day.   What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in...