Make Space for the Love You Crave –  May

Make Space for the Love You Crave –  May

Clean up the Relationship Residue Keeping You Stuck How many times have you thought, or said to yourself, “my life is a mess?”  And how many times has that question referred to the romance and relationship part of your life? I’m guessing that if you...
The True Cost of Procrastination

The True Cost of Procrastination

“The cost of procrastination is the life you could already be living.” Natalie Ellis, CEO of BossBabe It’s true.  How does that make you feel to think about what you are missing out on? It’s already March. What did you do with the big goals you...

Own Your Story and Master The Journey

You believe our story is true. We all do!  The world allows you to gather the evidence you want e to confirm your belief. Yet you reject and ignore any information or influences that might poke holes in that story.   You are not objective when it comes to the stories...
What is Overactive Bladder or OAB?

What is Overactive Bladder or OAB?

There are many types of urinary incontinence, each one has different signs and symptoms. Men and women, in fact, 1 in 3 adults, can experience symptoms of OAB over their lifetime. The symptoms might come and go for some people, however, when OAB becomes bothersome or...
Do You Truly Know Love

Do You Truly Know Love

Before I was a spiritual seeker, I was a love quester.  Not so much to acquire love, but to understand it. (And in truth, the latter led me to the former.)  For as long as I can remember, I have been curious about, enamored with, and enticed by love.  This interest...
Book Review-Woman As Healer

Book Review-Woman As Healer

I have always been a reader.   I enjoyed holing up on a summer day with a good book instead of being helpful around the house or getting outside.  Now if my kids pick up a book and get off the screens, I’m thrilled!  Over the years reading has become more for learning...
How to Motivate Yourself to Train All Year Round

How to Motivate Yourself to Train All Year Round

It’s that time of year again… Two months ago you made your fitness resolutions, signed up to a new fitness studio only to have our membership sit there doing NOTHING. In fact, in the US, $1.8 billion dollars is spent on UNUSED gym memberships every year!   So...