by Lori Bryant Woolridge | May 7, 2021 | Personal Development
The concept of ‘sexy’ plays an important part in our culture. We describe people as sexy, but we also use it to describe objects. In shorthand, sexy is good. It’s magnetic. Sexy things are coveted in all areas of life. Sexy people exude power,...
by Shelia Craig Whiteman | May 7, 2021 | Health
Sleep is essential for our overall health and wellness. Although sleep alludes to many of us especially if bladder leaks are keeping you up at night. Sleep Eluding You? I bet as you’ve gotten older the quality of your sleep has steadily decreased. Busy...
by Letticia Callies | May 7, 2021 | Personal Development
Don’t beat yourself up if you set goals and fail to accomplish them. Did you know that 92% of people who set New Year’s goals don’t achieve their goals? Most people set out to reach goals with the best intentions, and then they burn out. I totally...
by Debbie Movsesian | May 7, 2021 | Health
Spring is officially here and the perfect time to recommit to your health and your children’s health. Not that you have completely ignored health but this past year our priorities have shifted a bit. What does it mean to be committed to something? What is something...
by Biba Vernon | May 7, 2021 | Wellness
Wow…think about the fact that you and I have been through a full year of mask-wearing at this point. No doubt many of you have skin that was definitely throwing some tantrums about it, as you most likely experienced some form of breakouts, dry patches, skin...
by Carola Becker | May 7, 2021 | Health
Recommit to a healthier way of eating and living and learn how to incorporate good foods into your busy day. Eating well can be a challenge when you are busy. But there are lots of easy ways to eat a balanced diet that keeps your body and brain happy and healthy. One...
by Suzanne Taylor | May 7, 2021 | Personal Development
You know that you need to build resilience in order to tackle everyday life. When you reach midlife it’s a necessity! For some, it comes easy for others it’s more of a challenge. Whether things easily roll off your back or find difficulty getting up...
by Denise Stegall | May 5, 2021 | Personal Development
Did you know that working with a coach increases your chance to reach your goals? Whether you need assistance with time management, losing weight, or building a business, working with a coach will help you bring your goals into focus and help you strive towards them....
by Lauren Weinberg | May 5, 2021 | Wellness
Have you been secretly beating yourself up for yet again failing to follow through on promises you made to yourself? Maybe this was going to be the year that you started exercising regularly? Perhaps this was going to be the year that you stopped eating sugar, or you...