Slouching Affects How You Breathe

Slouching Affects How You Breathe

In our modern techie world, you probably find yourself slouched over your phone or slumped over a laptop for hours at a time.  I expect that you are aware that staring at a screen for long periods of time, especially when you’re not sitting properly ie, poor body...
Tips to Move More to Stress Less

Tips to Move More to Stress Less

With the uncertainty, confusion, and lack of TP are you feeling a little stressed?  At times, stress is a helpful tool capable of boosting our energy and attention. It helps you move in the right direction.  Especially in history when we might have been chased by...
Self Care Recipes Using Items From Your Pantry

Self Care Recipes Using Items From Your Pantry

I’m writing to you during Week 2 of my Co-Vid quarantine. I don’t know about you but I’m not quite feeling quite myself. Rather than wallow or get stressed out, let’s do something constructive. It’s time for a Pantry Raid!  I’ve...
Daily Stretching- It’s Not Just About Flexibility

Daily Stretching- It’s Not Just About Flexibility

Many of my new patients think that stretching is something specifically for athletes.  They could not be more wrong!  What they do not understand is that building muscle and working on cardiovascular health tells only half of the story.    Stability and stretching...
Live a more enjoyable and meaningful life

Live a more enjoyable and meaningful life

How will you remember this time of early 2020? How did you live?  Will you recall how you were possibly quarantined, riddled with angst and fear, hoarding toilet paper? OR… Will you remember how for the first time in a long time your family shared meals...
Find Freedom and Joy in Laughter

Find Freedom and Joy in Laughter

Welcome to another edition of the Freedom 20/20 Series where I talk about how to find freedom and joy in laughter. The other day I stopped to “Be ” in the moment. My 4-year old daughter managed to make a ninja costume using layers of clothes, a glow stick...
Overcome Barriers to Change For Your Best Life

Overcome Barriers to Change For Your Best Life

Making lifestyle and behavior changes can be difficult. There are many things you consciously and subconsciously do to sabotage your progress towards your goals.  I’m going to let you in on a little secret.  It is possible to overcome barriers to change for your...
Strong, Centered & Supported

Strong, Centered & Supported

I know that The Coronavirus has caught us all off-guard, unprepared. The things that we obsessed over and worried about yesterday now seem trivial as we practice social distancing, hunker down with our families, and wait to see what will happen.  We need to be strong,...
Send Love with a Virtual Hug

Send Love with a Virtual Hug

For huggers across America, and around the world, the struggle is real. During this period of social distancing us huggers are missing the joy that comes with physical contact. It’s hard to replace the mental and physical benefits of hugs, and how they can help us...
Tips to Cope and Thrive in These Trying Times

Tips to Cope and Thrive in These Trying Times

Dealin’ with the ‘Rona Blues?  Here are some tips to cope and thrive in these trying times. Across the globe, life as we’ve known it has literally come to a screeching halt. The entire world is reeling in fear, uncertainty, and stress due to the ravages of COVID-19....