Forward by Denise Stegall

We all love the way we look in summer sporting a golden. When I was a teen living on Long Island we spent a lot of time at the beach. As soon as we arrived my friends would slather baby oil all over themselves in search of that tropical deep, dark tan.  Not that L.I. was tropical but it was the look they were after

Just last week my nephew was suffering from a terrible sunburn that had blistered and was peeling. It was gross and he was in a lot of pain!  Why did he suffer?  Because he wanted a tan and refused to put on sunscreen.

Sadly, all my friends and my nephew got was a deep, dark burn, a heavy dose of preliminary aging and set themselves up for potential skin cancer!

Whenever you go outside it is vital to wear sunscreen to keep the suns UVA AND UVB rays from burning and aging your skin.

However, statistics show that 30% of people do not use sunscreen correctly for it to work effectively.

In this video Alexis Simmons, Consultant with Rodan and Fields explains.

Alexis Explains the importance of sunscreen here!

If you find yourself out in the sun too long check out these natural sunburn remedies.

Alexis Simmons

Alexis Simmons

Alexis Simmons is the CEO of Alexis Simmons-Rodan + Fields. Within the world of Clinical Dermatology; Rodan + Fields is the #1 brand across all price points, while also owning the #1 spots in both acne and anti-aging in premium skincare. No matter your age, gender, skin tone or ethnicity, Rodan + Fields® products can help you to achieve healthier, younger-looking skin. Alexis loves helping people live better in their skin and become more empowered in their lives.