Hi, I am Sofia Adams, a naturopathic doctor living on an Iowa farm, passionate about educating others on how to live a more nature-inspired life.  As the owner of a virtual naturopathic consulting practice called Vale of Health, I provide alternative recommendations for a variety of health concerns, each with the goal to stimulate your own self-healing mechanisms so your mind, body, and spirit can thrive.  Our lifestyle choices play a large role in our health and longevity; therefore, my duty as a naturopath is to help clients recognize the underlying determinants that are blocking their body’s innate ability to thrive.

How I Work

Homeopathy is one of the naturopathic modalities I use most often with my clients – it works on the nanoparticle and energetic levels in our body to ignite our self-healing potential.  These remedies are derived from items found in nature and cover your physical, mental, and emotional picture, which makes the remedy selection very individualized to match your specific needs.  Botanicals are another beautiful, powerful, and versatile natural resource our bodies respond well to and have great benefits from.

When I am not working with my clients, I enjoy working with my husband on our farm, gardening, and trying out new recipes.  I am grateful for this opportunity to join the expert panel here in Healthy Living, Happy Life Magazine and I look forward to sharing my naturopathic perspective with you all!

Below is a link to a Google Form for  a 10% discount on one of the selected items you can find in my online dispensary:

Sofia Adams, ND

Sofia Adams, ND

My name is Sofia Adams and I am a naturopathic doctor at Vale of Health, a virtual naturopathic consulting practice. I have specialized in homeopathy and lifestyle modifications to optimize vitality and individualize care for a variety of health concerns. It is my duty to help ignite the self-healing mechanisms each one of us contains by addressing the foundational determinants of our health and provide holistic recommendations that create a driving force for our body to regain our health. When I am not helping clients, I enjoy working with my husband on our farm, gardening, and trying new recipes in our kitchen.