The holiday season can be both a blessing and a curse, and for many, it can be extremely stressful and erratic.  Its times like these when understanding the power of being in flow is essential.

There are so many things to do. So many things to wrap up before you can take a few days off, and so many extras to accommodate special occasion gatherings, gifts, homemade goodies, phone calls, and all that good stuff. 

Then there are the emotions associated with expectations, dreams, and wishes that are accentuated by the culture that cherishes that perfect moment, perfect romance, perfect child’s first Christmas, etc. 

In my experience of the holiday this year I was wrapping up my business. Completing programs and welcoming students into new ones. There were so many things, in addition to trying to get away for a vacation. 

I am an Ayurvedic digestive health coach, and I empower students with individualized diet and lifestyle habits that are easeful and perfect specifically for each individual. 

When you get your habits right, along with a healthy mindset toward stress and tribulations, then you can flow through life. Healthy habits support you, and everything feels easier. 


The Mindset of Flow

During stressful situations, it is definitely harder to stay in the FLOW.  Stress naturally builds up when your to-do list is a mile long.  Here’s what to do: Whenever you feel the stress building up, you make a very deliberate choice that instead of riding the wave of stress, you get to choose FLOW!

Choose to flow through your days, through situations you are simultaneously rejecting the hype that your mind and nervous system are trying to create. 

I am a firm believer in facing down negative thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.  By choosing flow, you reject the tyranny of now! You reject the tyranny of perfection!  You reject the tyranny of having to do it all! 

To choose Flow is to reject self-imposed rules and restrictions that you learned somewhere along the way, but that do not serve you. All you have to do to get started is to choose FLOW, and mean it!  Because, no matter how stressful the situation looks on the surface, there is always a way to flow through it, to bring ease into it.


There’s always enough time

Part of what changes when you’re in FLOW is that you realize that there is always enough time. Everything has its own time and space if you let it.   You might have to juggle a bit .. but everything can be done when you stay calm and present. 


Flowing in figure eights

Recently, after consciously practicing my flow, I saw an image of what FLOW looks like.   It looked like infinity, like energy exchanges, flowing in figure eights, with dozens of pretty translucent flows arrayed around my body connected to my hands.   How beautiful it was. I understood it as an image of what skillful management of space and time can look like when you allow Flow. 

So, my dear friend, I write this to give you this gift and to remind you to do your best to stay in Flow as many new experiences and demands are made of your time in the New Year. 

Give yourself grace, and choose flow.


5 tips to support your flow
  1. Watch your food intake. Enjoy and indulge mindfully while not overdoing it. 
  2. Avoid eating late at night. 
  3. Make a supportive vegetable soup for balance, comfort, and fiber. It will serve as an antidote to richer foods. 
  4. Take daily walks, especially when the weather is mild. 
  5. Don’t try to do everything 🙂 

Andrea Hayley-Sankaran

Andrea Hayley-Sankaran

Andrea Hayley-Sankaran is the founder of Good Gut Ayurveda, a certified Ayurvedic Digestive Health Coach, and creator of Happy Eater, a 6-week program that helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs and professionals take control of their health, and unlock their energy, freedom, and FLOW.

Andrea is a vegetarian chef of 25 years who’s known as the “joyful chef” because of her infectious love for cooking. Students rave about their cooking class experiences as they experience her signature mindful approach to cooking and eating. They especially appreciate learning how to cook vegetarian food that tastes so amazing they don’t miss the meat.

Through her programs, coaching, writing, and speaking, Andrea empowers her community to find balance and attain health and healing through individualized diet and lifestyle habits informed by the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.