Hi, this is soul coach Lori, welcome to this soul circle guided meditation. The goal of this meditation is to help you get unstuck from old love that may be holding you back and keeping you from meeting the soul mate you desire.

Part of being ready and able to give and receive the love you want is clearing your heart and to open space for someone new.  You need to get unstuck. If your heart is stuck on an old love, it begins to accumulate what I call, relationship residue. It is the clingy, personal clutter that is taking up space in your head and heart and limiting your happiness when it comes to love and your relationships.  It’s that invisible, shape-shifting emotional clutter that presents itself as regret, anger,  fear, self-doubt, people-pleasing, unworthiness, and more.

Getting over a relationship whether it’s a breakup, divorce or the end of a meaningful friendship can often leave you feeling there will never be another.  If not them, then who?  The things and people you see as solid and permanent are only symbolic of more and better to come. Begin to declutter your love life through this guided meditation. Start to open your mind and heart to the “one” and stop trying to put a face on him or her.

Watch the video on Youtube here: Releasing Old Love



Hi, I’m Lori Certified Spiritual Love Coach, Author, Confidence Peddler, Angel Scribe, Irreverent Spiritualist, Girl Power Advocate, Love Connoisseur, Sun Lover, Cloud Watcher, Founder, SOL Innovations Coaching Group, The SOLSexy Transformation program and Proud Mom. That’s me, but here’s my official bio:

Lori is a fierce advocate for self-love and the positive ripple effect it has on the larger world. She is an intuitive life/spiritual coach, certified by the International Coach Federation (ICF), author, speaker, and teacher who specializes in 1:1 life coaching centered around self-love and soul alignment. She is also a transformational coach with We Inspire Justice, a social impact group who works with celebrities, influencers and content providers to promote equality, diversity and social justice within the entertainment industry and beyond.

Lori is an Emmy award-winning writer, and author of eight books, and is currently working on her ninth. She is a passionate and motivating speaker who has facilitated workshops all over the country and in Mexico. She is the Health and Wellness Director for the Life Luxe Jazz Festival and is responsible for the creative development and execution of the two-day programming centered around financial, physical, and emotional wellness for POC. She is a founding expert and programming chair of the Living Healthy List, an online source for honest and reliable information of health, wellness, personal development.

Her motto: True Masters Learn through Joy