Stress is something that everyone has and comes up in everyone’s daily life.  Some days are, of course, worse than others. In most cases, we can handle our daily stress but when the stress keeps piling on it can be difficult to manage.  Mindfulness is one way you can manage your stress, recognize the triggers, and work through that stress to remove it from your life and move on with your day. If you aren’t sure how mindfulness will reduce your stress, or even help with it at all, here are a few things to consider.

Work Through What Matters

Stress can come from a variety of areas in your life and unfortunately, some of those stresses don’t matter. That is to say that they may matter in the moment, but they are not priorities. One way to reduce your stress with mindfulness is to focus on the items that are important and need your focus versus the things that do not. An example of this would be having your mind cluttered with what someone said about you or gossip that is affecting your day. These are things that can and need to be reduced from your life because they are causing unnecessary stress. Once these are removed you can focus on the things that do matter like the appointments you have later in the week.

Take Time to Breathe

This may sound like a very basic concept, but taking time to breathe can help you reduce the stress in your life. The trick to this is to actually learn breathing techniques that can help you reduce your heart rate and keep your body and emotions in check. Once you learn a few breathing techniques, you can apply them at the appropriate times and help refocus yourself, reduce the stress, and deal with any fallout from that stress effectively.

Change Your Reaction

Often stress is caused by our immediate reaction to the stress or the thing causing stress. We take in the immediate reaction and let it explode in our minds. This causes a massive amount of panic over something that likely doesn’t need that sort of reaction. An example of this would be reacting to a new item in your to-do list that is unexpected. You may panic wondering how you will complete the task with the other tasks you have. Instead, you can use mindfulness to refocus and realize that the task can be worked in with another task or handled quickly and moved to your completed list.  Anxiety is something an increasing number of people suffer from. This is primarily due to the fact that we as a society live and operate such hectic and busy lives. We have work, some have school, children, and a full calendar of things we have to do. This is just the daily stress. This doesn’t into the issues with family, personal life, financial issues, and so much more. Without managing stress these daily “life” issues can leave us
feeling anxious or nervous…..the next three techniques have helped me and many of my clients deal with anxiety at the cellular level.

Breathing Techniques

When you become anxious about something, and your anxiety issues
start to kick in, the first thing that happens is your heart rate increases.
You become panicked, on some stages more panicked than others. When this happens it can be harder to focus and harder to calm down. Breathing techniques work in several ways. They help you stop and refocus. They also help you slow your breath and take calming breaths that help your
heart rate lower to a reasonable level and ultimately help your blood pressure to lower. This helps you calm down and figure out what steps to take next.

Budha meditating

Mindfulness is a Practice

Focus on the Issue at Hand

Mindfulness techniques like meditation and mind mapping can help you focus on the issue at hand. What mindfulness does is help you use and find techniques that can take a jumble of thoughts and work them into one
connected thought with a clear path to a goal that has a starting point and ending point. Mindfulness can help you find joy in the task at hand, even if it is simply completing the task and moving to the next one.

Through meditation, mind mapping, breathing, and gratitude you can focus on the issue at hand. More on mind mapping in another post!!

Find a Healthier Focus

Mindfulness has an added bonus of helping you remove the negative issues and resources in your life and focusing on healthier replacements.

Instead of freaking out you can calm down with breathing. Instead of being upset about the day and feeling helpless, you can replace those thoughts with gratitude for at least one thing a day. You can find that you are happier first and healthier later and overall change your entire life outlook.
Though mindfulness will help you with anxiety issues, it can take some time. Using tools like aromatherapy, certain foods and better sleep habits can improve those nervous symptoms…….. If you are having severe anxiety symptoms, you may also want to consult a physician for further
assistance as well.

Need help finding a Dr. or therapist I am happy to help  guide you and work alongside them with some holistic and natural

Suzanne Taylor

Suzanne Taylor

Suzanne ignites ideas, conversation, and connection…her motivational talks and workshops are a combination of innate wisdom, modern tools, and humor to grow communication, connection, leadership, emotional intelligence, productivity, strength, positivity, grit, resilience and a life you love!

Suzanne has condensed 35 years of experience/study in exercise, nutrition, holistic living and delivers it in a 16 step process for living your best life. This practical approach to wellbeing can be delivered be within the containers of coaching, workshops or seminars for individuals and corporations.

Suzanne is described as an “authentic connector, hilarious inspirational thought leader” sharing personal stories, triumphs, struggles with science and research-backed content and the modern tools that you can implement in real life!!

Since 2009, Suzanne has supported entrepreneurs, practice owners and leaders to grow personally and professionally. She is a technology wizard, and a master certified coach (10,000 + hours) with a unique coaching background and a genuine interest in seeing others succeed.

Drawing upon her background as a competitive athlete, 20 years as a Dental Hygienist and the study of positive psychology, the neuroscience of habits, nutrition and personal wellbeing she takes coaching to the next level for her clients. This combination of NLP, Positive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, High-Performance Habits, Ancient Wisdom & Modern Tools now known as the Taylord Method has been dubbed the “secret weapon” for entrepreneurs.

Services Offered
*Life Coaching based in Positive Psychology
*Mental Fitness & Emotional Intelligence Training
*High-Performance Coaching-Habits, Nutrition, Exercise, Mindset
*Taylord Sales Method
*Workshops & Speaking for Networking Groups, Chambers and Masterminds