When I first opened Grit and Grace Meditation, I crafted my mission statement around what felt in my heart.  My intention was to deeply connect with people and to show that meditation can help you navigate uncertainty.

My mission is to “help people live their best life one breath at a time through the practice of meditation.” Meditation has been an absolute anchor in my life.  It has aided me through some very dark and difficult times and continues to help me navigate the current uncertain times.  I know that a meditation practice transforms a person because I have experienced that transformation.



“When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control how you respond to
what’s happening.  That is where your power lies.”



Dealing with the unknown can take a toll on your mind and body. It shows up as fear, anxiety, and stress.  Become aware of your thoughts, where they take you, and how they make you feel.

Stressful situations trigger a response mechanism within your body.  You know it the fight or flight response which is your sympathetic nervous system response (accelerator). It’s a physiological response that automatically occurs and releases adrenaline and cortisol, increases your breath and heart rate, and tightens your muscles. This involuntary reaction occurs in response to a PERCEIVED or REAL harmful event or attack on your survival.


Your brain does not know the difference between the perceived or real threat.



Did you know that your body reacts the exact same way to any stressor?  Yes, it does.  For example, it can’t tell the difference if you’re on a roller coaster or are being chased by a saber-toothed tiger.  Your brain does not know the difference between the perceived or real threat. Your body can even overreact making the sympathetic nervous system hyperactive.  The stress response becomes your new normal because it doesn’t turn off.

I have some good news!  There is a way to combat the stress and anxiety you feel. How?  By activating the parasympathetic nervous system, your relaxation response.  This is where the body functions optimally…hormone balancing occurs, the immune system strengthens, muscles relax, and tissues heal.

You can activate the parasympathetic in many ways, but the easiest is through your breath. Simply taking three long, slow deep breaths in through the nose when you feel anxious or stressed, sends a signal to your body to come into a relaxed state. Give it a try right now.

Another method, if stress has you anxious, tense, and worried is the formal practice of meditation, which is sitting for a designated time in stillness.  Spending even a few minutes in meditation can restore your calm and inner peace.


Anyone can practice meditation



It’s simple and inexpensive, and it doesn’t require any special equipment. You can practice meditation wherever you are…whether you’re out for a walk, riding the bus, at work, waiting at the doctor’s office, or even in the middle of a difficult business meeting.

It’s a simple technique! When you practice for  10 to 20 minutes every day, it can help control stress, decrease anxiety, improve cardiovascular health, and help you truly relax.   Some meditation practices can even help you sleep better!  One method of meditation is called the relaxation response technique.  With this technique, you focus your attention on something like your breath, sound, or by silently repeating a word or phrase.

During meditation, the goal is to slow down your stream of thoughts and calm the chatter in your mind. Just relax and breathe.  Through regular practice, you can reduce the physical and emotional consequences of stress.



Benefits associated with meditating on a regular basis



  • Stress reduction
  • Increased ability to concentrate
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Greater self-acceptance
  • Increased happiness and peace of mind
  • Reduced levels of depression and anxiety
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Stronger immune system
  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Better sleep


“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light from your own being.” – Hafiz



If you are feeling anxious, vulnerable, and overwhelmed, please listen to my conversation with Lisa Pezikclick about Mindfulness and Meditation

We touched on the following topics.

  • Stop muscling through life
  • Be a giver of peace and not stress.
  • See meditation as a spiritual workout
  • Surrender to stillness
  • Understand the best time to meditate
  • Build little mindful moments in the day.
  • And, how to do a body scan to promote more peace

Meditation and mindfulness can help you stay calm, make rational, clear decisions, and show up as our best selves as you navigate uncertainty.

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Guest Blogger

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