Aging.  How do you feel about it?  I’m sure you have some ideas about it, preconceived notions may be, biases, and what it means to you.  I bet you want to know how to both live well and age well, too.  

The aging process starts the moment you were born and if you’re like most, for nearly the first 20 years you couldn’t age fast enough, right?  With every new age came new experiences and opportunities…

  • When you turned 5 you could go to school
  • Around age 7 you could lose  your first tooth
  • Turning 10 you could brag double digits
  • You could declare yourself a teen at age 13
  • Driving independently was a possibility at 16
  • At 18 you could vote and decide your future
  • Finally, at 21 you could finally be an adult

Yet at some point, you probably wanted to stop sharing your age and turn back the clock if you could, right?  Why is that? Why do we as women suddenly not want to age and fight what is to come?

Perhaps it’s because we have the wrong perspective.


Remember the 80’s ad “I don’t intend to grow old gracefully, I intend to fight it every step of the way”?  While that slogan was for selling a popular anti-aging moisturizer, the idea that women need to fight aging as if it is an enemy changes the way they think and feel about it and creates fear.

What do YOU fear about aging?
  • Having a face that looks saggy and wrinkly
  • Bulging at the middle and having to wear elastic pants
  • Not naturally being a blonde, brunette, or redhead anymore
  • Not being able to sleep through the night again
  • Feeling tired and lacking the energy and vitality to be on the go
  • Sitting around talking about aches and pains with your girlfriends

The good news is…it doesn’t have to be that way.

Age is relative.  Why not make 50 the new 30 and see 60 as sexy?

I want to AGE-WELL.

With age comes experience, wisdom, and depth. 

For me, the year I turned 40 was a milestone. Yes, the number was a milestone but more importantly in embracing who I am and what I was called to.  

My 20s were focused on getting married, having a career, and starting a family.  

Then my 30s were centered around raising that family and figuring out long-term commitment.  

When I turned 40 I could clearly see the empty nest just ahead of me  Thoughts about who was I, what I was good at, and what I wanted to do when I grew up .illed my head?  It was clear that I did not want to live unconsciously and let another decade just pass me by, so I decided to LIVE WELL.  

I dove into a healthy plan for my body and skin, personal development, and leadership through entrepreneurship and a mission to make an impact by helping other women LIVE WELL + AGE WELL.

My 40’s have been my best age yet and I can’t wait to see what my 50s hold.

Over on my website, I address how to LIVE WELL + AGE-WELL in Mind, Body, and Skin.  Aging well is not just caring for the appearance of our skin. It’s so much more!

  • embracing what is naturally and beautifully yours
  • thoughtfully fueling your body 
  • staying engaged with personal growth 
  • empowering yourself by doing what you love. 

Aging well is about mindfully using your daily habits or yearly goals to move towards your best self — mind, body, and skin. 

Do you want to LIVE WELL + AGE-WELL?  

/Connect with me here and let’s talk about creating a plan to do that.

Here’s to LIVING + AGING WELL together,


Lissa Figgins

Lissa Figgins

Feel like life pulls you in too many directions…and you’re not fully present anywhere?

I’m Lissa, Time Management Coach & Recovering To-do List Girl who went from over-whelmed to on-purpose with a simple plan to Redeem my Time…for who + what matters most. And I’ve been teaching, coaching & leading Christian women for over 25 years.

As a wife, mom & leader, my life was too busy– I was showing up on the outside, but not fully present on the inside. I knew something had to change. I started asking God what He wanted me to focus on, and that’s when I started to be more present.

Now I’ve created space in my schedule for growing in my faith, enjoying date night with my hubby, supporting my young adult childern, pouring into other women, serving at my church- and taking care of me…finally!

It’s time for you to have the same. Because YOU are here for such a TIME as this.


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