When you look in the mirror, what is the first thing you notice? Do you notice the wrinkles around your eyes, forehead, and mouth? The ones that all of the anti-aging products on TV swear they can illuminate. More about that here. Do you notice all of your imperfections and wish you could look younger like your best friend or the supermom next door?  Are you wondering how to Age Gracefully and with JOY!

You are not alone.

Many women are consumed by their imperfections and it strips them of the JOY that comes with aging. From the day we are born, we begin the aging process. What can you do to embrace aging? Welcome to my September 20/20 Freedom Series: How to Age Gracefully and with JOY.



Comparison is the thief of joy. We become disgusted with ourselves when we see something more attractive in someone else. I am not talking about the “healthy comparison” that motivates us to be a better version of ourselves.

I am talking about the comparison that drives us into toxic thinking and toxic reactions. Toxic thoughts put stress on the body and stress affects the largest organ of the body, the skin.

The first step to age gracefully and with JOY is to love yourself. When you look into the mirror, recognize that what you see as imperfections are the very imprints of beauty that make you unique.

Age with JOY begins with the right mindset. When you can look at yourself and see beauty (not perfection), you are off to a good start.



Striving to be a healthier, more JOYful YOU starts with one essential oil that provides effective beauty enhancements for supporting radiant looking skin, shinier hair, and a more joyful mindset. Do I have you guessing what could possibly do all that (and more)?

My essential oil spotlight for aging with JOY is Frankincense essential oil (Boswellia crateri) which has an earthy, uplifting aroma with therapeutic properties that may be cleansing, protecting, calming, regenerative, and supportive of emotional wellness.

Add a drop of Frankincense to your facial cream morning and evening and take moment to breathe in the aromas for a positive emotional experience. For shiny hair, add a drop of Frankincense to your conditioner. For added benefit, recite “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” Psalm 139:14 as you progress through your facial routine. “I choose to age with JOY.”



A JOYful mindset takes intention. Carve out mindful minutes to lather yourself with JOY by recognizing the many ways you are joyfully aging. Be grateful for each imprint of beauty and incorporate natural, non-toxic interventions to support your naturally aging body.

Begin with a customized J.O.Y. Strategy and aromatherapy session focused on helping you age with JOY or you can begin your journey to a healthier, more JOYful aging YOU with your own Young Living premium starter kit with me (which includes Frankincense essential oil and 11 other therapeutic grade essential oils that can be used for beauty enhancements, emotional balance, stress relief, and more). As a bonus, mention this post from LHL and I will give you a FREE 30-min J.O.Y. Jumpstart session with your starter kit.

Ready? Let’s age with JOY together! I look forward to meeting you.


Dr. Joy


Letticia Callies

Letticia Callies

Dr. Letticia Callies (a.k.a. Dr. Joy) is on a mission to spread joy around the world. She helps people who are stuck or overwhelmed by helping them get the results they need to live out their joyful purpose. She uses a combination of evidence-based strategies to help you bounce back when you fall, empower and encourage you in your faith, improve your overall wellness, and help you discover more time to do what you love. Her joyful demeanor and compassionate communication help motivate her clients to make positive changes that simply become second nature.

Dr. Callies is the wife of her best friend for over 20 years; she is a mom to four boys and two girls. She is the founder of JOYFull Inspirations, LLC, an author, homeschool educator, worship dancer, and joy-lettering journalist. She enjoys spending time with her family, sampling tea, leading joy-handlettering Bible studies, and creating healthy recipes in the kitchen.