With so many responsibilities demanding your time, it can be difficult to successfully complete every item on your to-do list. Between work tasks and the duties associated with running a household, it can feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get it all done. If you feel like all you do is work, check out these tips to achieve a better work-life balance and learn how to best prioritize your time.


Establish Time Blocks

To increase your productivity at work, consider setting blocks of time to complete different tasks. Designate a time to check in with colleagues, a time to engage in deep work, a time to respond to emails, etc. Properly structuring your day will allow you to stay on track and complete your daily responsibilities without feeling overwhelmed.

When setting up your time block schedule, consider the hours of the day when you’re most productive. If your brain is freshest first thing in the morning, carve out some time to complete mentally intensive work. If you start to hit a slump after lunch, save less complicated tasks, such as email correspondence, for those hours. Adhering to clear time block guidelines will help you achieve more at work so that you can also enjoy life outside of the office.


Use Your Paid Time Off

Employers give their employees paid time off for a reason. Everyone needs (and deserves) a break from the demands of work! In fact, the importance many employers place on taking time off demonstrates that workplace wellness culture isn’t just a fad. Checking out of the office for a few days is a great way to nourish your overall well-being. You’ll have time to recharge and clear your mind of any stressful work-related situations. Once you return to work, you’ll feel energized and motivated to take on your responsibilities.

If possible, do your best to fully unplug during your time off. It can be tempting to check your emails while you’re sunbathing on a beach, but you need to step away from the stressors of corporate life. Once you give yourself the opportunity to enjoy some free time, you’ll see benefits inside the workplace as well.


Practice Self-Care

Tips on how to achieve a better work-life balance are irrelevant if you don’t practice regular self-care. If you’re trying to burn the candle at both ends, you’ll eventually burn yourself out. Listen to your inner needs and schedule time to take a walk outside, draw yourself a warm bubble bath, or bake a batch of cookies. Prioritizing your favorite relaxing activities will protect your inner peace when life feels overwhelming.

Even if you must work past normal business hours, try your best to incorporate “me time” into your daily routine. If you can only squeeze in an hour to watch one episode of your favorite comfort show, it’s better than completely neglecting yourself. You will be a better employee and a better person if you recognize the importance of addressing your own needs and taking control of your schedule.

Emma Radebaugh

Emma Radebaugh

Emma is a writer and editor passionate about providing accessible, accurate information. Her work is dedicated to helping people of all ages, interests, and professions with useful, relevant content.