5 Ways to Feel Like a Kid Again and Why It Matters

5 Ways to Feel Like a Kid Again and Why It Matters

Feel Like A Kid Again! “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” George Bernard Shaw When was the last time you remember feeling like a kid? I mean that in the best possible ways; playful, carefree, in the moment, moving your...
Find Freedom and Joy in Laughter

Find Freedom and Joy in Laughter

Welcome to another edition of the Freedom 20/20 Series where I talk about how to find freedom and joy in laughter. The other day I stopped to “Be ” in the moment. My 4-year old daughter managed to make a ninja costume using layers of clothes, a glow stick...
Find Joy Again Where You Stand

Find Joy Again Where You Stand

Find joy Again Where You Stand Awhile back, while mired in the mud of a declining marriage and an empty nest, I decided that my main goal would be the pursuit of pleasure. That’s right. Pleasure. I decided to put pasta and sourdough bread back into my diet...