The 4 Financial Foundation Essentials

The 4 Financial Foundation Essentials

There are the 4 financial foundation essentials that many people overlook before spending big money on investing or buying a home. As many of us in the U.S. have a third round of stimulus money coming, and perhaps even a tax refund this month, it’s critical to...
How to Invest in the The Green Energy Trend

How to Invest in the The Green Energy Trend

Green Energy: The New Gold There is a modern-day gold rush happening in California right now, and it’s in the green energy sector.  Acres of solar farms and supporting infrastructure needed to harness green energy production are sprouting up like weeds.  There...
Reaching Financial Freedom

Reaching Financial Freedom

Celebrating America’s Birthday this month and in the theme of freedom, Michelle Boss, Personal Finance Coach & Educator, discusses Financial Freedom as a guest of Kornelia Stephanie on The Millionaire Imprint for Women on Transformation Talk Radio. The term...