5 Ways to Feel Like a Kid Again and Why It Matters

5 Ways to Feel Like a Kid Again and Why It Matters

Feel Like A Kid Again! “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” George Bernard Shaw When was the last time you remember feeling like a kid? I mean that in the best possible ways; playful, carefree, in the moment, moving your...
5 Tips to Keep Positive Changes

5 Tips to Keep Positive Changes

What a long strange trip it’s been! Do you know that reference? It’s “Dead” on when it comes to describing the situation with S.I.P (COVID 19) any better. I don’t know about you but I feel like this quarantine continually takes me by...
The Secret to Losing Weight for Good

The Secret to Losing Weight for Good

The secret to losing weight for good isn’t as complicated as you might think. By far, weight loss, in the form of diet and/or exercise, is the most popular New Year’s resolution. As a health and wellness coach I am thrilled that people want to be...