When I hear the word connection, I think of my BNI Family and all the people I have connected within the 17 years I have been a member of the organization. For those who are unfamiliar, BNI stands for Business Network International. Our philosophy is “Givers Gain,” if you give of yourself to help others be successful, you will naturally can in return. Those are the only two words they needed to say to me, and I said, “I want to live like that!”

If I focus on helping other people by connecting them to the resources they need to be successful, I will WIN in the end right along with them. How cool is that? It gives me great joy to be a connecter of people.

I feel blessed to call Dr. Ivan Misner, Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, my friend and colleague because of a BNI referral. He recently wrote an article about Passion – People – Process being three keys to the success of any entrepreneur. I want to share some excerpts from that article and my thoughts on how purposeful & meaningful connections are a part of each of them.


“First, you must be passionate about what you deliver to your customers and clients. You can not accomplish anything great in your life without passion. First, you must ensure that you and your team are working in your flame and not in your wax.

When people are working in their flame, they are on fire. It shows in the way they act, and it shows in the way they speak about what they do. When people are working in their wax, it takes all their energy away. You can see it in the way they act and the way they speak.”

My work with The Passion Test helps people get unstuck or “out of their wax.” I help companies empower their team to get out of their wax and connect to living their passions. When you are passionate about the service you have to offer to your clients, and your team is too, you attract the clients and team members aligned with those very passions.

When you connect your actions with your values, you will enjoy your work and find true success.


“People are the next piece of the formula. They are the most valuable asset for virtually every company in the world. People drive the engine of a business. To me, this means at least two things:

1. Constantly give to your team and help them improve their performance by supporting them through training and mentoring. Entrepreneurs who make sure their people receive proper mentoring are going to be more successful. We all have people in our lives that are “in our story.” These are people who have given us little nuggets of help or significant support in some way. These are people who helped us be a better version of ourselves.

A great entrepreneur recognizes that the accurate measurement of mentorship is not who is in our story, but rather whose story are we in? Whose life have we changed in some way to help them be a better version of themselves?

2. Be a culture champion. An organization’s culture is the secret sauce to greatness and longevity. It is the DNA of an organization. Ensure that the core values of the business are infused into the hearts and minds of the people throughout your organization. If you have healthy organizational core values and strive to share them and live them, you help form a team of people who will be loyal to those values. When you are lucky enough for this to happen then make sure to treat that loyalty like royalty in the organization.”

Other people are critical to your success; we are unable to do it all alone. No one can do it all alone. Get connected to other business professionals by building a network around you, like BNI. Surround yourself with people who know, like, and trust you and want to help you be successful. Connect with a coach or mentor to have a professional guide you and hold you accountable to create what you declare you desire. You do have the power to create what you want in your life with a little help from your friends.


“Lastly, it is about the process. Having good systems in place allows people to engage in their passion for delivering quality performance. The process is important. Systems are important.”

1. BNI provides a system and processes related to building a professional network, word-of-mouth marketing, and growing your business through referrals. If you wish to know more, please connect with me.

2. The Passion Test is a system to save yourself time, energy, and money in setting a course for your life and business based on your deepest, most meaningful passions.

3. It is essential to apply processes in collaboration with other people. People need people, and together we can implement the strategy to achieve the success we desire and improve the function of our world at large.
“Passion, people, process. If you create an organization that executes well in these three areas, you will be a force to reckon with. You will become a leader in your industry, and you will create an amazing enterprise.” Dr. Ivan Misner


LuAnn Buechler

LuAnn Buechler

LuAnn Buechler, CMP, Passionate Business Owner, Author, Transformational Speaker

Passionate about everything she does. LuAnn uses her unique personality and experiences to relate to her audiences in delivering passionate presentations that inspire people to achieve the success they desire in business and in life.  As a Certified Facilitator of The Passion Test, LuAnn shares with audiences a simply yet powerful system (Saving Your Self Time Energy & Money) to determine your true passions and set a course to living your life’s destiny.

As a director for BNI (Business Network International), LuAnn has built a repertoire of presentations on networking skills and relationship marketing which she uniquely relates to delivering high quality customer service.

Caring is the ultimate competitive advantage.  LuAnn delivers Customer Service training with the same passion that she delivers customer service in her own event management business. When you hire LuAnn to speak at your events, you get the added value of a professional event planner. LuAnn has unique ability to capture the audience with her passionate, energetic personality. For testimonials from past participants visit www.pmcevents.com/testimonials. And call LuAnn to discuss your next event.

LuAnn is also a part of the Transformational Leadership Council working team. An organization created by Jack Canfield, best-selling author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, where transformational leaders share best practices and co-create humanitarian projects to transform the world.

Free Gift from LuAnn: 7 principals of Living with Passion – https://www.livinghealthylist.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/7-principals-of-Living-with-Passion-1.pdf