“Giving up your goal because of one set back is like slashing your other three tires because you have a flat.”

You did it. You set a realistic goal and created an action plan with small, manageable tasks. You asked for support when you needed it. You monitored your progress and pivoted when necessary.

And then came the relapse.

Speed bump, setback, roadblock…whatever you call it, they’re inevitable.

Find out how to how to accomplish your goals and:

  • Respond
  • Shift
  • Strategize

…for a powerful comeback.

Here’s the thing: breakthroughs are inevitably followed by fallbacks, big or small. Here’s how to accomplish your goals:

Don’t expect to glide through your resolution—that’s not what habit-changing is all about. It’s undeniably easy to slip into old routines, and positively toilsome to forge new ones. You will in all likelihood face challenges and have a few slips. So here are a few key points to remember when those happen.

  1. Expect stumbles, and don’t beat yourself up about them. You owe it to yourself—and the effort you’ve already invested in your new goals—to practice self-compassion and pick up, dust off, and try one more time. Robert F. Kennedy said, “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”
  1. Face the challenge, and plan your attack. Since you know fallbacks will happen, think of what you might do to get past them. Come down with a cold? Nurture yourself and get better, then ease back into the gym, staying a bit longer or working a bit harder each time you go. Suddenly bored with your sugar-free dessert options? Sign up for a healthy cooking class or book a session with a nutritionist. Shifting gears is a great way to keep yourself enthusiastic about achieving your goals and changing your habits.
  1. Hold on to your goals tightly, but don’t cling to your strategies. Remember, your vision is somewhat limited when you first set your objective or intention. You can’t have a clear or complete picture of what challenges, obstacles or opportunities will come your way as you implement your new plan. Be flexible. Things will pop up—travel, illness, weather, money issues—and your target may seem to be slipping from your grasp. Your strategy—that initial plan—is what got you in motion, what propelled you toward your goals. Without it, you might never have gotten out of the gate. Just remember to hold your strategies loosely as obstacles arise, and keep your end goal at the forefront.


Sheree Clark

Sheree Clark

I believe…
that at any given moment we are all at a Fork in the Road. Sometimes the metaphorical intersection is a big decision: Do I get a divorce or try to work it out? Climb the corporate ladder or strike out solo? Downsize and go condo or stay and make the repairs? But the other, “smaller” choices you make are important too: stuff like what exercise works best for your lifestyle, or what to do about your insomnia or what you can do when you simply feel “stuck.”

As a midlife courage coach, I get to the root of what’s “weighing you down,” and it’s not always just about diet. I stand with my clients as they make the important decisions in life or grapple with big questions like “What am I here for?” I’m good at helping people realize that the things that seem daunting and nearly hopeless are where the growth and joy come from.

I have had several careers including working at a university right out of graduate school. After that I owned a successful advertising agency for 25 years. And when that no longer made my heart sing, I became a healthy living coach. Along the way I’ve studied nutrition, received my raw vegan chef certification, been a television show host, and have been on a spiritual and personal development path that spills over into my work. I live a varied and interesting life in an art deco home in Des Moines, Iowa with my cat Lotus.

You need me when you…
Need help figuring what you really want to do…and support so you have the courage to actually do it

Want to eat better, sleep better, have more vitality and the energy to sail through your day

Long to “get your groove back” and get out of that rut

Are open to exploring your own unique gifts, so you have the perfect blueprint to live with ease and confidence

Simply feel like you’ve taken care of everyone else for too damn long and now it’s YOUR turn


Phone: 515-249-2992