It’s National Anti-boredom Month.  It’s interesting that an entire month is dedicated to not being bored.  Why? Because boredom can stop you in your tracks, put an end to your forward momentum and literally leave you with a desire to plop yourself on the couch and stay there.

Have you ever said to yourself…

I don’t feel like it.

I’ll start later.

I’m just not motivated.

You most likely know what you should do…let’s be real, no one has much fun staying in one place  (especially when there’s a world out there of choices that are good for your body, mind, and soul).  BUT…there’s often a GAP between knowing and doing…and it’s filled with excuses, the biggest being MOTIVATION.

Be honest with yourself.  How often do you feel like…

  • Pulling the covers over your head when the alarm goes off for your workout
  • Grabbing dinner at the drive-thru when you’re not inspired to cook
  • Indulging in  a late-night snack instead of sticking to your plan

No wonder, MOTIVATION is a common excuse when it comes to taking action.

But like any other excuse (including time and money), MOTIVATION is just an excuse why you DON’T.  It’s not a reason you CAN’T.

Even an Olympic athlete struggles with motivation- no one feels like getting up early, pushing their body day in and day out, and feeling it all day, right?  But that athlete still shows up to practice.  Why?

Because she holds on to a goal that is bigger than her feelings.

Feelings are fleeting.  They come and go.  They fluctuate with the circumstances and are not reliable.  As women, we are already emotional beings on our own- then throw the emotions of everyone around us into the mix and it creates the perfect storm.  Just like the weather, your feelings can change with the day, the hour, the minute.  If you live in the Midwest blink and the weather can change twice.

If you’re waiting till you feel like it, you’ll waste a lot of time and money…and negatively impact your health by not getting up and taking action.

So what’s a girl to do if she doesn’t feel MOTIVATED?

My #1 tip- Do it anyway!  Lack of motivation and all!

Yes, you can do it when you don’t feel like it.  Shocking, right?

Instead of waiting for the perfect feeling to match the perfect moment, just decide to do something, anything!

Then do it again.

And again.

Before you know it, you’ll be looking and feeling amazing and may even find you feel motivated to keep going (although that part is not required).

Bonus Tip #2- Don’t do it alone.

Back to that Olympic athlete…chances are, she’s not training alone.  She has a coach that keeps her on track when she’s not feeling it and pushes her towards her goal.  That coach helps her to not make motivation an excuse by creating her training plan and holding her to it daily.  Every successful athlete has a coach.

The same is true with your health goals.

Sure you can make healthy choices on your own some of the time, but if you truly want to see lasting changes, you need someone to come alongside you that won’t let you make excuses, because they know your why is bigger than your feelings.

I’m your girl.

Stop sitting around, knowing you should do something, but not knowing what to do (or just not feeling it)? Then join my next BE WELL WEBINAR.  I’ll make it easy to take simple steps that will impact every area of your wellness. And I’ll share the 6 Daily Habits + the 1 Key to finally make it stick that can make all the difference for you.

RSVP here for the link and details on when we’ll be doing it next.  You’ll be so glad you did!

In the meantime, get off the couch and go DO something!

PS: Sometimes you need to recommit to something to get you motivated.  Check out how in this recent Living Healthy List article.

Lissa Figgins

Lissa Figgins

Feel like life pulls you in too many directions…and you’re not fully present anywhere?

I’m Lissa, Time Management Coach & Recovering To-do List Girl who went from over-whelmed to on-purpose with a simple plan to Redeem my Time…for who + what matters most. And I’ve been teaching, coaching & leading Christian women for over 25 years.

As a wife, mom & leader, my life was too busy– I was showing up on the outside, but not fully present on the inside. I knew something had to change. I started asking God what He wanted me to focus on, and that’s when I started to be more present.

Now I’ve created space in my schedule for growing in my faith, enjoying date night with my hubby, supporting my young adult childern, pouring into other women, serving at my church- and taking care of me…finally!

It’s time for you to have the same. Because YOU are here for such a TIME as this.


Listen + follow the REDEEM Her Time Podcast ⏰

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