Find something every day to be happy about can change your life!

Finding something to be happy about so that you are a happier person overall can seem almost impossible when you are in the thick of the negative mindset! If you find yourself in this situation, you may be wondering how to get yourself out so you experience less stress, anxiety and more happiness in your life.

Here are some daily practices that can help you be a happier more positive person.

Express Gratitude

A positive mindful attitude to have each and every day is gratitude. Rather than focusing on the bad things in your life, be gracious for the good things. You can actually do this in your mind when you can sit silently and be thankful for the job you have, your ability to put food on the table, or even something as small as getting up early enough to see the sunrise. Before long expressing gratitude for everything in your life becomes a positive habit and it changes the entire outlook on  your life.

Writing in a gratitude journal is a great way to start.  You don’t even even need a full journal to do this; you can use your daily planner or an online planner instead . You can even use social media.

Your challenge in  this daily practice is to find at least one thing a day you that you are thankful for and some days even that will be  stretch. Let’s face it, we all have bad days but we still must find good in that day to help us be happy in the long run. It can be anything from having a great cup of coffee  to being grateful the day is over so you can start fresh tomorrow. The point is to recognize the good and note it.

Reducing for Charity

Reducing for charity (AKA de-cluttering) may seem like an odd endeavor as a daily practice, but it is something that can be very fulfilling . The idea is to remove something that you don’t need from your life each day.
Maybe its a toy that your child no longer plays with, clothes they have outgrown or an extra set of dishes you really don’t use.

Place these items in a box and at the end of the week or month, give the box to charity. These items are no longer cluttering your day, creating a storage issue and you are helping someone else who may want or need them.

Happiness comes in when you find the joy in either getting the items out of your house or seeing that they can bring joy to someone else through your charity.

Check out the book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

Breath Walking

Breath walking may be something that is new to you, but it can make you a
happier person. The concept here is to go for  a walk in nature each day at least for a few minutes.  Step away from your desk,your computer even your phone and get outside.

I don’t want you to leave without a way to  contact someone in case of
an emergency but I do want you to turn off music and put your  phones on silent. Just walk.

Concentrate on your breath as you move and walk and work to calm it. Notice the sounds and nature around you, and let go of the stress of the day through your breathing. You will find yourself healthier and happier at the end of the walk and as the walks progress, you may find yourself more adapted to handling your daily stress as well.


Accepting things as they are is another part of mindfulness, and a good attitude to develop. When you consent that things are the way they are ,even when the situations are not ideal its just how it needs to be in this moment.  You begin to accept the good and the bad, instead of dwelling or focusing  only on the negative.   Acceptance won’t keep  all negative thoughts from your mind, but the more you focus on acceptance, the happier you will be. Besides acceptance is the first step toward change.

Release Judgement

You might not have thought about how the way you perceive other can negatively affect your happiness.  Constant judgment whether for someones actions, attitudes, or even their appearance, creates negative connotations in your thought patterns.  When you are stuck in this pattern you hurt one person. Yourself!

Stop judging others and you will notice how much more free you feel. It is easier to have other positive attitudes when you focus on being non-judgmental.


Have some patience with the people in your life, problems that occur  and situations that happen. Acknowledge the way things are right now, accept them, and don’t over-analyze. Be patient and let things change as they need to, instead of forcing things or becoming stressed when things or people are not acting quickly enough.  Admitedly, this is one of the more difficult attitudes to learn through mindfulness, but also one of the most powerful.

Patience takes practice, but in time, it becomes another good habit; something you do every day without thinking much about it.  As you start incorporating these daily practices into your life, you will start to see change for the better and realize that you are happier.

Start slow and let the process work. It’s all about letting the process develop in your life at your own pace.

For more information about Living a Positive Life visit my website or contact me here!

Suzanne Taylor

Suzanne Taylor

Suzanne ignites ideas, conversation, and connection…her motivational talks and workshops are a combination of innate wisdom, modern tools, and humor to grow communication, connection, leadership, emotional intelligence, productivity, strength, positivity, grit, resilience and a life you love!

Suzanne has condensed 35 years of experience/study in exercise, nutrition, holistic living and delivers it in a 16 step process for living your best life. This practical approach to wellbeing can be delivered be within the containers of coaching, workshops or seminars for individuals and corporations.

Suzanne is described as an “authentic connector, hilarious inspirational thought leader” sharing personal stories, triumphs, struggles with science and research-backed content and the modern tools that you can implement in real life!!

Since 2009, Suzanne has supported entrepreneurs, practice owners and leaders to grow personally and professionally. She is a technology wizard, and a master certified coach (10,000 + hours) with a unique coaching background and a genuine interest in seeing others succeed.

Drawing upon her background as a competitive athlete, 20 years as a Dental Hygienist and the study of positive psychology, the neuroscience of habits, nutrition and personal wellbeing she takes coaching to the next level for her clients. This combination of NLP, Positive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, High-Performance Habits, Ancient Wisdom & Modern Tools now known as the Taylord Method has been dubbed the “secret weapon” for entrepreneurs.

Services Offered
*Life Coaching based in Positive Psychology
*Mental Fitness & Emotional Intelligence Training
*High-Performance Coaching-Habits, Nutrition, Exercise, Mindset
*Taylord Sales Method
*Workshops & Speaking for Networking Groups, Chambers and Masterminds