It’s that moment no one wants to experience. Your mom calls you…

I need to tell you something.

In an instant, your stomach drops and you get chills. You know it’s not going to be good news.

She then proceeds to tell you she’s been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.

Initially, you are in shock but after the news sinks in, you’re not really surprised.  Mom hasn’t been taking very good care of herself in recent years and she has gained a significant amount of weight. Neither of you wants her to go immediately into traditional Western treatment. You want answers and another opinion.

After hours of scouring Google to figure out what this is going to mean in her life and how to handle this diagnosis, you’re left without concrete answers, feeling confused, frustrated, and fed up.  What is type 2 diabetes and can one look at it from different perspectives?

I’m here to bring some good news. There is a better way to get the information you need!

Our recent Wonder Series conversation focussed on what diabetes is and isn’t, how to prevent, manage, and possibly reverse diabetes altogether.

I am excited to share with you my conversation with two amazing women who work with diabetic patients but in different ways.  Dr. Aleksandra Kukla is a Transplant Nephrologist at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.  Debbie Movsesian is a Cardiology Physician Assistant at VA Hospital in Phoenix, AZ.  These experts understand diabetes yet approach the disease from two different perspectives.

Together we will answer the questions you have about Type 2 Diabetes and help lead you or your loved one on a healthier path.

Watch the interview here.

For additional information on prediabetes AND diabetes please click here.

Denise Stegall

Denise Stegall

Meet Denise E. Stegall, the CEO and Curator of Living Healthy With 25 years of experience and study in nutrition, cooking, exercise, and coaching, she helps female entrepreneurs and businesswomen curate a healthy, happy, and productive life.

As an inspirational thought leader, Denise provides honest, research-backed information on health, wellness, personal development, and fun for real-life application. Her platform, Living Healthy List, is a go-to community for health and wellness resources, empowering positive changes and creating the life you want.

Denise’s background in nutrition and her philosophy of “Eat Real Food, Make Good Decisions, and Be Accountable” shaped her International Best Seller, “Healthy Living, Happy Life: A Practical Path to Finding the Healthy Lifestyle That Works for You!”

She goes beyond her book and Living Healthy List to offer “Forever Wellness Lifestyle ,” a groundbreaking group coaching model with individualized roadmaps for true health, balance, stress management, confidence, and an uplifting lifestyle. Denise E. Stegall is devoted to empowering individuals to embrace holistic well-being and fulfillment.

“Living a healthy lifestyle does not have to be hard! “