What is the Key to Living a Passionate Life?  We all want to be in on that secret, don’t we?  I know I do!  It seems like some people have figured out the key and are living amazing abundant lives that we envy.  Here’s the good news.  You can have that healthy happy and fulfilled life that you dream of.

What does passion have to do with it anyway?

I’m here to share the key to living a passionate life with you? I warn you it is going to sound too easy but bare with me because the process works.  The process is called the Passion Test.  It is a simple yet powerful system that helps you hone in on your passions saving you time, energy, and money.  The Passion Test, which isn’t actually a test, helps you live a life full of joy and passion by identifying your top five passions.  Once you have identified your passions you then set a course to living those in your life.

The Key to Living a Passionate Life

You see the key to living a Passionate Life is simple. “Whenever you are faced with a choice, a decision, or an opportunity, consistently choose in favor of your passions.” Janet Bray Attwood. Simply put, it is all about consciously choosing in favor of your passions.

In order to live this way, you must first get clarity on what those passions are. Some people say they know what they are passionate about. In that case, the Passion Test is an affirmation of those truths. This may be you. What I have consistently seen when you take the Passion Test is that you may learn something completely new about yourself. It is worth finding out which is true for you.

Then it is about reprogramming the neuropathways of our brain to first of all “consciously” take actions.

Most of us are operating on auto-pilot, doing what we think we have to do to fit into society or doing what things to please others. The problem with thinking in this way is that we never consider that there may be another way. Imagine, you may actually be able to create the life of your dreams doing what you love to do.

Ultimately, the key to living a passionate life is consistently, and consciously, choosing in favor of your passions. This takes practice and will get easier over time. It is truly a process of retraining yourself to be consciously aware of the choices you make in every aspect of your life to honor who you are and fully live your passions. Put another way, it is aligning your actions with your values, the things you are passionate about.


Discover Your Passions!

If you are ready to discover your passions click here and learn how.


LuAnn Buechler

LuAnn Buechler

LuAnn Buechler, CMP, Passionate Business Owner, Author, Transformational Speaker

Passionate about everything she does. LuAnn uses her unique personality and experiences to relate to her audiences in delivering passionate presentations that inspire people to achieve the success they desire in business and in life.  As a Certified Facilitator of The Passion Test, LuAnn shares with audiences a simply yet powerful system (Saving Your Self Time Energy & Money) to determine your true passions and set a course to living your life’s destiny.

As a director for BNI (Business Network International), LuAnn has built a repertoire of presentations on networking skills and relationship marketing which she uniquely relates to delivering high quality customer service.

Caring is the ultimate competitive advantage.  LuAnn delivers Customer Service training with the same passion that she delivers customer service in her own event management business. When you hire LuAnn to speak at your events, you get the added value of a professional event planner. LuAnn has unique ability to capture the audience with her passionate, energetic personality. For testimonials from past participants visit www.pmcevents.com/testimonials. And call LuAnn to discuss your next event.

LuAnn is also a part of the Transformational Leadership Council working team. An organization created by Jack Canfield, best-selling author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, where transformational leaders share best practices and co-create humanitarian projects to transform the world.

Free Gift from LuAnn: 7 principals of Living with Passion – https://www.livinghealthylist.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/7-principals-of-Living-with-Passion-1.pdf