Springtime makes us think of rebirth and renewal which makes it the perfect time to clean, purge, and organize our homes and our lives. When we are organized and have removed the clutter in our homes, life is so much more pleasant. I know that I feel lighter. Now is the perfect time for Spring cleaning for your kitchen.
Cleaning and organizing can be daunting so I’ve come up with 7 simple steps to make it easier. It’s not necessary to do all of them at once. You can start and stop as you see fit.
7 Simple Steps to Spring Clean Your Kitchen
1. Clear the cupboards and shelves
Start systematically through the kitchen, going through your cupboards, your pantry, and the fridge itself. You’ll probably find serving dishes you forgot all about, doubles or triples of spices and seasonings, and some expired items that need to be tossed. Take everything out one cabinet at a time and go through it.
2. Get rid of excess
Do you need ten travelers mugs to take your coffee to go? While they may be pretty, you probably don’t need more than a few. Take things like that and either donate them or store them in the garage. Give the pantry the same attention when it comes to something you’re not going to use – donate them if they’re still within the expiration period.
3. And if not, throw it out
With the fridge and pantry, any food you find that is expired needs to go. If you have a compost to put old produce in, great! If not, toss it.
4. Wipe down everything
Cabinets collect dust and grunge from your cookware. Give those shelves a good cleaning and be sure they’re dry. You can update the look with contact paper to make cleanup easier the next time. In your fridge, it’s essential to keep good habits intact, so remove any shelves or drawers that can come out and wash them with warm soapy water.
5. Get bins to organize better
Now for the fun part! You’ll likely find that you could use a few organizing tools to make sense of your cabinets and pantry. Stop letting sauce packets fall all over the place or rummaging for spices. Countless things can make organizing your space a breeze and make you love your kitchen again.
6. Be smart about where you put your food
In the fridge, organize your food so that things that need to be used first are in the front. In your pantry, arrange things by type, like boxes and cans, for example, and then organize them in their respective sections.
7. Create a master list of essentials
Each week, making a menu of what you’re going to make helps eliminate waste. Keeping a master list of the essential things you usually keep on hand (like beans, pasta, rice, etc.) will prevent you from buying more spaghetti when you have five boxes of it or remind you that you’re out of spaghetti sauce.
Now that you know what you have in your pantry try these DIY facial and hair mask recipes. With these kitchen and pantry-perfecting tips, you’ll spring into better meals in no time! Now that you
Cheers & Love!!
Lorraine Miano discovered her passion of offering menopause advocacy, support and resources to women in all phases of menopause through health coaching, proper nutrition and preventive lifestyle choices. She received her certifications as a Health Coach and hormone health expert from The Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
She has been able to help even more women by writing and publishing her first book, The Magic of Menopause: A Holistic Guide to Get Your Happy Back! The book helps guide women through the struggles they face as they begin menopause and helps tackle the daily changes such as balancing hormones holistically, getting a better night’s sleep and reducing or eliminating hot flashes, to name a few.
Lorraine loves to encourage her clients with her mantra “Menopause is NOT an ending! IT IS a new beginning!”
Please click here for your free guide Eat Your Way to Hormone Health – https://www.themagicofmenopause.com/hormone-health/
Buy The Magic of Menopause Here: https://amzn.to/2oM2HeU