Your future is determined by how fast and how frequently you ask for feedback.

Did you know that by 3 months into a new year 92% of people give up on their New Year’s goals…are you one of them?  Whether you slack off on your intentions or you keep them going strong, there is one key to staying on track and actually seeing results this year… Make 20212 your best year ever!

Take time to regularly ask for FEEDBACK. 

More often than not, this asking for feedback is going to be something you ask of yourself first…and then from others.


Here are some questions to get you started based on your goals…


HEALTH:  Weight loss, weight management, fitness
  • Are you making healthy food choices? 
  • What are you doing to get results? 
  • How consistent are you? 
  • Is it working? 
  • What results are you seeing?
  • Consider what would make your health even better?


LIFE: Time management, relationships, personal growth
  • Are you setting goals to work towards?
  • Do you prioritize your list?
  • Is time blocking what’s most important on your calendar?
  • How is it working?  
  • Are you where you want to be?
  • What would make your life even better?


BUSINESS: Increasing income, duplication, work-life balance
  • How focuses are you on income-producing activity?
  • Are you creating systems that are simple and sustainable?
  • Did you set boundaries around how you spend your time?
  • Is it working?
  • Are you growing personal freedom?
  • What would make your business even better?

Guess what- you don’t have to wait for the next New Year to set goals and evaluate where you’re at…You can do this as often as you want…and the more often you do, the more results you’ll see. 

So right now, take a min to pause.  Pick one area.  Set a timer.  Ask yourself for feedback.  And when you finish, ask someone else for feedback in that area too.  

Get good at asking questions.  

Your future is determined by how fast and how frequently you ask for feedback.

Want things to look different in your HEALTH, LIFE or BUSINESS this year?  Schedule your free PRIORITIZE YOU CALL here and I’ll give you some feedback.

Let me help you make 2021 your best year ever!


Lissa Figgins


Lissa Figgins

Lissa Figgins

Feel like life pulls you in too many directions…and you’re not fully present anywhere?

I’m Lissa, Time Management Coach & Recovering To-do List Girl who went from over-whelmed to on-purpose with a simple plan to Redeem my Time…for who + what matters most. And I’ve been teaching, coaching & leading Christian women for over 25 years.

As a wife, mom & leader, my life was too busy– I was showing up on the outside, but not fully present on the inside. I knew something had to change. I started asking God what He wanted me to focus on, and that’s when I started to be more present.

Now I’ve created space in my schedule for growing in my faith, enjoying date night with my hubby, supporting my young adult childern, pouring into other women, serving at my church- and taking care of me…finally!

It’s time for you to have the same. Because YOU are here for such a TIME as this.


Listen + follow the REDEEM Her Time Podcast ⏰

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