Are you comfortable?

Is that where you really want to be?

Do you feel that it is enough?

We all this feeling of “living in the comfort zone”, but often it isn’t so comfortable at all. It’s familiar but not comfortable.

Your body experiences two types of sensations, one is comfort and the other is discomfort. Often the two get confused.  Deepak Chopra says, in his book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success “For some people, the message of comfort and discomfort is in the area of the solar plexus, but for most people, it’s in the area of the heart.

Do this as you read on.  Consciously put your attention to your heart and ask your heart what to do. Then wait for a response – a physical response in the form of a sensation. It may be the faintest level of feeling – but it is there, in your body.

Only your heart knows the correct answer.  It sounds so simple, doesn’t it? More likely you are thinking that sounds too easy to be true. That is because you need to retrain yourself and get out of your comfort zone to allow yourself to think and act this way. To be confident enough to step out of your “comfort zone” and fulfill the desires of the heart.  Yes, this does take time but itis possible.

For me, The Passion Test has taught me how to get out of my comfort zone and make this shift in my life and continues to support me in living a passionate life every day. The Passion Test is a system (there is no test), that saves you time, energy, and money while you rediscover what you love the most, what your true passions are, who you want to be,  what you want to do, and who you want to become.


“That which you love to do and what is God’s will for you is one in the same thing” Janet Bray Attwood.


This quote from The Passion Test book, freed my mind and soul to think about what I really want, rather than what others want for me, from me, or think I should do. We all have those pressures.

To get unstuck you need to acknowledge those voices and be willing to set them aside and look inside yourself.   In your heart and find what you really want!  In a recent article, I discuss the 7 principles of living with passion.  Review them here.

My wish for you this holiday season is to take the first step in your journey to rediscovery.  This video will help you get on the path, click here.

All the Best,



LuAnn Buechler

LuAnn Buechler

LuAnn Buechler, CMP, Passionate Business Owner, Author, Transformational Speaker

Passionate about everything she does. LuAnn uses her unique personality and experiences to relate to her audiences in delivering passionate presentations that inspire people to achieve the success they desire in business and in life.  As a Certified Facilitator of The Passion Test, LuAnn shares with audiences a simply yet powerful system (Saving Your Self Time Energy & Money) to determine your true passions and set a course to living your life’s destiny.

As a director for BNI (Business Network International), LuAnn has built a repertoire of presentations on networking skills and relationship marketing which she uniquely relates to delivering high quality customer service.

Caring is the ultimate competitive advantage.  LuAnn delivers Customer Service training with the same passion that she delivers customer service in her own event management business. When you hire LuAnn to speak at your events, you get the added value of a professional event planner. LuAnn has unique ability to capture the audience with her passionate, energetic personality. For testimonials from past participants visit And call LuAnn to discuss your next event.

LuAnn is also a part of the Transformational Leadership Council working team. An organization created by Jack Canfield, best-selling author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, where transformational leaders share best practices and co-create humanitarian projects to transform the world.

Free Gift from LuAnn: 7 principals of Living with Passion –