If we had only known the signs of diabetes, could we have prevented my husband’s sugars from skyrocketing to over 600? The answer clearly is YES! Diabetes Awareness is so important and most people don’t know the first thing about it. A little knowledge goes a long way and may help you prevent a situation, too.
Dave was diagnosed with late-onset Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 50. He was sitting on a plane, ready for takeoff when the doctor’s office called with a frightening diagnosis. He was told “Come to our office immediately! Your sugars are in the 600’s!” He didn’t even know what that meant and came to find out later that the normal range is between 80-100.
Unable to deplane and get to the doctor a collaborative effort began to create a workable solution. By the time Dave landed after his cross country flight a prescription and glucose meter was waiting for him at the pharmacy closest to his hotel. The entire situation was frightening as I came to understand the seriousness of his blood sugar level. This situation could have been avoided if we knew the symptoms to look for! Please educate yourself as knowledge is power!
November is National Diabetes Month and National Diabetes Day is the 14th! Let’s unite together to create awareness for Diabetes… a disease that impacts 463 million people worldwide from all walks of life, age, ethnicity, and social background.
Did you know?
- 1 out of 10 people have diabetes
- 1 in 5 of the people who are above 65 years old have diabetes.
Particularly important to understand that all types of diabetes can be managed with diet and regular exercise. With a basic understanding of the 3 main types of Diabetes and the symptoms, we can create awareness.
Common symptoms for all types of Diabetes are abnormal thirst and dry mouth, frequent urination, lack of energy, tiredness, weight loss, and blurred vision.
The 3 Forms of Diabetes
- Type 1 Diabetes: A chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. Can affect people of all ages but usually develops in children or young adults. Specific Symptoms: sudden weight loss and constant hunger.
- Type 2 Diabetes: (the most common form) is a condition that affects the way your body metabolizes sugar (glucose) – an important source of fuel for your body. Specific Symptoms:slow healing of wounds, recurrent infections in the skin, and tingling or numbness in the hands and feet (Prediabetes: A condition in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be Type 2. Find more information on prediabetes on this podcast by Dr Karen Wolfe.)
- Gestational Diabetes: A form of high blood sugar affecting pregnant women. The cause of this condition is unknown. Specific Symptoms: frequent vaginal, bladder, and skin irritations.
Knowledge is power
Let’s create awareness together in support of diabetes. The universal logo or symbol for diabetes is a blue circle. Let’s have some fun, use it as a selfie frame, and make a statement to increase awareness. Just a few simple steps are all we ask:
- The Blue Selfie App is available on iOS and Android phones under “World Diabetes Day”.
- Take a selfie with someone you know with Diabetes and put it in the blue circle frame.
- Share it on SM with #WDD and a personal message.
Share your photo all month long in November to increase awareness and you don’t have to wait until November 14th, either! Together we can create a healthier and more informed world so spread the love, spread the word!
Online Sources
About the Author
My life story led me on a journey where I overcame 3 near-death experiences trying to fulfill my childhood dream of having a family. Who would have thought that trying to have a biological child would be the catalyst to a passionate life of helping others with a servant’s heart! As a Wellness Concierge, I have the privilege to educate and share an elite line of result-oriented products for optimum health. Pain can be a life disrupter, who needs that… Bottom line, time is money and increased energy leads to an increase in productivity