Did you know that more than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s? By 2050, just 30 years from now, experts project that number to rise to almost 14 million!  There are things you can do to boost your brain health and decrease your chances of developing Alzheimer’s?

It’s important that you start to boost your brain health now because “A tiny change today brings a dramatically different tomorrow.”  – Richard Bach.

 What causes Alzheimer’s?

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, the vast majority of Alzheimer’s cases, like other chronic diseases, probably develop as a result of the interaction of multiple factors including age, genetics, environment, lifestyle, and coexisting medical conditions. Like other chronic diseases, simple lifestyle changes can significantly change the mental, physical, and emotional health of an individual.


What Can You Do To Boost Your Brain Health?

The Alzheimer’s Association suggests 10 Ways to Love Your Brain to boost your brain health.  I love these tips because they promote an overall healthy lifestyle that is meant to boost you for the long haul.  The recommendations decrease your chances of developing Alzheimer’s and also other chronic diseases, too.

For mamas out there who are trying to get through raising kids, working full time, keeping up a household, and trying to get some YOU time, this is perfect for your brain. Trust me. I work with a lot of worn out, burnt out, overworked, guilty laden mamas, and I have some secret sauces up my sleeve.

To keep this short and simple, I would like to highlight a few of the “love your brain” tips and provide you with specific essential oils that you can add to your routine. Don’t worry if you have never tried essential oils. Scroll to the bottom and click the link to learn more. (Please note, the quality and purity of your essential oils are of the utmost importance.)


Break a Sweat

Get your move on! I love to use Young Living therapeutic grade Peppermint essential oil to oxygenate my body and boost my brain. Watch this video to learn more. I have used a variety of Young Living essential oils and blends to help me stay motivated, help my body recover, and keep me moving.


Catch some zzz’s

This is one area that many people cut corners and don’t take seriously. Does this sound like you?  At the end of the day, you finally have a moment to yourself and could relax or turn in early. Instead, you stay up late.  Why?  So you can fold one more load of laundry, wash the dishes, read a book, or watch a movie. These are not great reasons to forgo a good night’s sleep!

When you don’t get enough quality sleep, it puts a strain on your brain. I work closely with my clients to help them develop good sleep habits and incorporate soothing, calming essential oils to quiet the brain and relax the body. Some of my favorites include Cedarwood, Lavender, and Peace and Calming which all contain chemical constituents that have a direct effect on the central nervous system. If you struggle to get sleep to read Living Healthy Lists Guide A Guide to Better Sleep.


Take care of your mental health

Ok, this is the area that I LOVE to help people crush it! Mental health and brain health are related.  I implement my J.O.Y. Strategy, developed as part of my doctoral research, to help you build resilience, overcome obstacles, uplift moods, reduce anxious feelings, and live out their joyful purpose. Having the right mindset sets you up to do amazing things! I work with you to identify the oil or blend that works best for you.

In recognition of Alzheimer’s prevention month, my oil of choice is the Young Living blend Clarity. Not only does this blend help boost mental focus and reduce mental rigidity, but it stimulates the brain!  Essential oils like Basil, Peppermint, and Rosemary are known for their brain-boosting benefits. Inhale Clarity and get on that SUDOKU for a double whammy to boost brain health.

Don’t Wait! Take Action Now

A tiny change today brings a dramatically different tomorrow  – Richard Bach. What small change can you make today? Start by exploring how you can boost your brain health with therapeutic essential oils. It is simple, easy, and safe. Allow me to be your guide.  I can help you experience the benefits essential oils provide in support of the limbic system in your brain.  More importantly, how safely diffusing, inhaling, and topically applying high quality therapeutic essential oils can make a positive impact on your overall health. Connect with me, Dr. Joy, for a free 30-minute target goal session. Mention LHL for your free session. Unlock the Secrets to Better Health Here

I look forward to meeting you very soon! Choose joy.

Dr. Joy


Letticia Callies

Letticia Callies

Dr. Letticia Callies (a.k.a. Dr. Joy) is on a mission to spread joy around the world. She helps people who are stuck or overwhelmed by helping them get the results they need to live out their joyful purpose. She uses a combination of evidence-based strategies to help you bounce back when you fall, empower and encourage you in your faith, improve your overall wellness, and help you discover more time to do what you love. Her joyful demeanor and compassionate communication help motivate her clients to make positive changes that simply become second nature.

Dr. Callies is the wife of her best friend for over 20 years; she is a mom to four boys and two girls. She is the founder of JOYFull Inspirations, LLC, an author, homeschool educator, worship dancer, and joy-lettering journalist. She enjoys spending time with her family, sampling tea, leading joy-handlettering Bible studies, and creating healthy recipes in the kitchen.