1. Navigation: electronic & paper: map, compass, altimeter, GPS device, personal locator beacon (PLB) or satellite messenger

2. Sun protection: sunglasses, sun-protective clothes and sunscreen

3. Headlamp: plus extra batteries

4. First aid: including foot care and insect repellent

5. Repair kit and tools: duct tape, knife, screwdriver, and scissors

6. Fire: matches, lighter and fire starters

7. Emergency Shelter: tent, space blanket, tarp, or bivy

8. Food: dense superfoods

9. Water: bladder & portable filter

10. Clothes:  jacket, fleece, hat, gloves, rain shell, thermal underwear

Annette Poliwka

Visit: releaseyourfemininewild.com

Annette Poliwka

Annette Poliwka

Annette Poliwka is an Environmentalist and Adventurer who empowers women to get outdoors. She inspires and women to challenge themselves, and to connect with their deeper selves.

She passionately helps people take that first step toward their out of doors goals, where they can own their personal power and build momentum around their dreams. Whether you want to start hiking, plan a backpacking trip, or explore your soul’s desires Annette is your go-to gal!

After spending more than 15 years working to protect the environment for local, federal and international governments on Zero Waste, she started her own company to empower women in the outdoors. Her goal is to rekindle our inner flame, to nourish our inner child, and to embark on the outdoor adventures we’ve dreamt about.