Summer looking a bit different that you expected?  Camps are closed and the kids are constantly underfoot.  Travel plans have all been canceled and no one’s going abroad anytime soon. What do you do with the kids, even the big ones all summer long?

It’s time for us to put our heads together and discover “Outside the Box Outdoor Fun”. Luckily, Living Healthy List has a group of experts ready with great ideas and suggestions to help you to be safe and still have fun this summer!

We live in a big country with zillions of things to do and see.  I bet you can find at least 10 parks, places of interest and historical sites right in your home state.

Hiking Tips From Annette

Looking to go to a state or national park but not sure you’re in good enough shape?

It doesn’t matter if you’re “not in shape.” Everyone has to start somewhere. What is important is that you start small. Of course, consult with your doctor. Once cleared, start by taking a walk around the block and slowly increase distance.  Before you know it you’ll feel confident that you can enjoy an entire day at the park.

Besides Outdoor exercise even for 5 minutes increases your self-esteem. It’s more important to show regularly for a shorter amount of time than less frequently for longer.

Be safe. In addition to checking with your doctor, make sure the physical environment is safe. Check for traffic and outdoor weather conditions.

Carefully assess your outdoor space to find a setting that is safe and meets your exercise needs. Depending on the conditions, wear sunscreen, a hat, warm clothes, or protective rain gear.

Always bring water! In the summertime, be aware of symptoms of heatstroke. Any outdoor walk can turn scary if you get dehyrdated

Looking for a walking or hiking buddy? Let’s connect!

Transformational Treks with LuAnn

I love Minnesota! One of my passions is to bring women on an outdoor Transformational Trek to the Boundary Waters. Why? I am passionate about nature because I am in awe of truly how little we know about all the ecosystems that surround us. I believe that being in nature brings me closer to God, source, universe, whatever language you want to use. I love to challenge myself to survive with minimal luxury and know just how simply we could live, and be happy in our environment. Why don’t you join me? Click here for details

Travel Tips from Sandy

Where ever you decide to travel this summer it’s vital that you check the health and safety guidelines of the area you’ll be visiting.  Your safety is a priority so know before you go!

If you are traveling understand that things may take longer than you expect. Whether you’re waiting in a car line to enter a national park or to get your permits.  Be patient.

Once you decide where you want to go you need to consider your mode of transportation.  Have you ever experienced teh US by train travel?  There are a number of options for safe travel by rail.

RV rentals and camping trips with families are on the rise this summer.  Some sites are open immediately while some have limited space.  Call ahead.

Additional thoughts about accommodations.  For those of you who enjoy the VIP treatment of all-inclusive resorts, there are plenty of smaller social distancing options available.

Find out more by connecting with me here.

These suggestions only scratch the surface and we go in much more detail and have a great conversation at teh same time.  Please watch the video below.


Whatever you choose to do follow these 10 Tips to Have the Best Day Ever!

Denise Stegall

Denise Stegall

Meet Denise E. Stegall, the CEO and Curator of Living Healthy With 25 years of experience and study in nutrition, cooking, exercise, and coaching, she helps female entrepreneurs and businesswomen curate a healthy, happy, and productive life.

As an inspirational thought leader, Denise provides honest, research-backed information on health, wellness, personal development, and fun for real-life application. Her platform, Living Healthy List, is a go-to community for health and wellness resources, empowering positive changes and creating the life you want.

Denise’s background in nutrition and her philosophy of “Eat Real Food, Make Good Decisions, and Be Accountable” shaped her International Best Seller, “Healthy Living, Happy Life: A Practical Path to Finding the Healthy Lifestyle That Works for You!”

She goes beyond her book and Living Healthy List to offer “Forever Wellness Lifestyle ,” a groundbreaking group coaching model with individualized roadmaps for true health, balance, stress management, confidence, and an uplifting lifestyle. Denise E. Stegall is devoted to empowering individuals to embrace holistic well-being and fulfillment.

“Living a healthy lifestyle does not have to be hard! “