Prebiotic Options and Your Health

Prebiotic Options and Your Health

Let’s talk about prebiotics and your health. This is one of my most favorite areas because I got significant results with the addition of prebiotics to my diet. Prefer to watch me?  Click here! Prebiotics, what are they? Technically, prebiotics are really just...
Beat the Holiday Belly Bloat

Beat the Holiday Belly Bloat

Want to Beat the Holiday Belly Bloat?  There are plenty of ways to support your gut so that you can enjoy the season without belly problems. Here are 7 ways to beat the holiday digestive traffic jam: 1. Take a Digestive Enzyme with Every meal Take one at the beginning...
Natural Approaches to Digestive Health

Natural Approaches to Digestive Health

In this series on Digestive health, we have discussed alarming facts and statistics of the number of people suffering from digestive issues, why the digestive system is so important and ultimately how the digestive system works. In this article, we’ll look at...