Beat the Holiday Belly Bloat

Beat the Holiday Belly Bloat

Want to Beat the Holiday Belly Bloat?  There are plenty of ways to support your gut so that you can enjoy the season without belly problems. Here are 7 ways to beat the holiday digestive traffic jam: 1. Take a Digestive Enzyme with Every meal Take one at the beginning...
Digestive Health – Part 3

Digestive Health – Part 3

In the previous articles, I have been discussing The Importance of Digestive Health. Hopefully by now you understand that in order to have health, you have to have a healthy digestive tract. A lot of people ask me: How does the digestive system work?  Here is a simple...
Digestive Health & Immunity

Digestive Health & Immunity

Digestive health is one of my favorite topics to teach and is one of the main reasons people seek care in our office. I am excited to say that we have helped thousands of our patients achieve more optimal digestive health.  In my previous article I talked about the...