Healthy Living,

Happy Life!

Why Living Healthy List?

Sometimes life is difficult to navigate.  With Living Healthy List you’re not alone — from managing stress to finding balance, confidence, purpose, and an eating style that works for you, put yourself on a path to a healthier, happier you.

Find meaning, joy, and flourish in your personal and professional life!  When you feel your best you perform your best.

Your best life is waiting for you, if you’re ready to put in the work – the best part is that you don’t need to do it alone.

We’ve created a global  community that represents decades of industry experience and a broad cross-section of health and wellness backgrounds. Our experts are vetted and committed to helping you reach your goals.

We’re here for you!

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The Living Healthy List Blog is an amazing resource, written just for you!

A Black, smiling nursing professional standing in the hallway with her arms folded. She is happy and wearing a stethoscope.

Take Your Nursing Career to the Next Level With These Tips

After being a nurse for some time, you might be ready to take your career to the next level. Here are some practical suggestions to do just that.

A close-up view shows a smiling woman in a burgundy sweater holding her small dog. Fall leaves appeared blurry behind them.

Fall Adventures That Will Help You Bond With Your Dog

We all love to explore during autumn. Why not take your dog along for the ride? These fall adventures will help you bond with your dog and have fun.

Effortless Ways to Look and Feel Your Best

In today's fast-paced world, prioritizing habits that enhance your physical and emotional well-being is crucial for a balanced life. By making conscious decisions and living with intention, you can cultivate a life brimming with health, joy, and a harmony of inner and...
A young woman sits on a black yoga mat stretching. She's wearing black yoga pants and a light-pink sports bra.

5 Incredible Workouts That Improve Your Flexibility

Many fitness enthusiasts want to improve their flexibility. Try any of these incredible workouts to help you focus on becoming more flexible.

A woman’s hand holding the top of a cannabis oil bottle on a table. Cannabis leaves and a smaller bottle are on the table.

How Women Can Integrate CBD Into Their Self-Care Routine

In an era where self-care has become a necessity, many women are turning to holistic practices to nurture their overall well-being. Among these practices, CBD (cannabidiol) is a popular ingredient in self-care routines. From stress relief to better sleep, here’s how...

Get Denise Stegall’s Best Selling Book!

Cover of Healthy Living Happy Life book by Denise Stegall

Having studied nutrition, well-being, and exercise, Denise Stegall has built her coaching philosophy around a brand new, practical foundation: Eat Real Food, Make Good Decisions, and Be Accountable. Denise’s book, “Healthy Living, Happy Life”, will help you find realistic ideas that you can use to create a healthy lifestyle that works for you!

Listen to the Wonder Series!

The Wonder Series is your weekly opportunity to look at your life from another perspective. To change your mindset and open yourself up to the possibilities that are around you. Who would you be, what would you create, and ultimately, how would that help you live a healthy, happy life where you flourish? Hosted by Denise Stegall, you’ll be sure to gain inspiration and new perspectives from this weekly podcast! 

As Seen On…

Brainz Senior Level Contributor: Denise Stegall

This is exactly what healthcare, wellcare and the online teacher need to find quality information and people who can help them. Having a name and a fee to the help I was looking for years ago would have been a game changer, and LHL is going to that for so many!! I am so excited to be there and watch all the magic flow!

~Suzanne Taylor, Life Coach & Wellbeing Mentor

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