Healthy Living Happy Life Membership
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Reach your personal, professional and Physical goal with this simple method

Discover a Proven Approach to True Health! Find Balance, Manage Your Stress, Build Your Confidence, and Create a Lifestyle That Energizes and Uplifts You!

You CAN transform your body and your life, starting now.

I’ll show you how.

If you’re like so many of the women I talk to, some of this might resonate:


  • You’re at a point in life where you’re ready to focus on you. Your kids are older or out of the house, and you’re ready to get healthy, get organized, and find a more fulfilling career path.

  • You feel like you’ve tried all the crazy diets and exercise programs, and you want something that works—and that’s sustainable—so you can finally lose weight and feel energized, healthy, and fit.

  • Still, life feels pretty overwhelming these days. You feel so disorganized and frazzled that you don’t know how you’ll incorporate exercise and healthy eating … but you want to.

  • You crave balance, less stress, better sleep (and more of it), and better relationships. You just aren’t sure how to make those things reality.

  • You’re ready for a change!



I want you to know that you’re not alone … and you’re in the right place, right now.

It’s not your fault that your life isn’t exactly what you want it to be. If you’re like so many of the women I’ve worked with, you forgot to even think about your own needs when you became a professional, mother, or both.

 Sure, maybe you’ve tried some different diets and/or exercise programs, but after the initial few weeks, the busy-ness of life had you sliding back into old habits and patterns. So, nothing really stuck.

The bottom line: your health is not where you want it to be.

You know something needs to change, but you don’t know how to create change that lasts.

                                            There is a solution, and I’m so excited to tell you about it.



Before I tell you about my solution, I’d like to introduce myself, so you know how I can help.

Hi, I’m Denise E. Stegall

I am the Curator of Living Healthy I’m known as the Healthy Living Liaison because I help you connect the dots from where you are today to where you dream of being tomorrow !

I have condensed 25 years of experience and study in nutrition, cooking, exercise, and coaching to guide women on how to find a healthy, happy and productive lifestyle that works for them.

My coaching helps you grow, be more confident, reach beyond limitations, and flourish in life.

I have developed a simple but effective philosophy to help establish the foundation for the healthy lifestyle you are searching for. Eat real food, Make good decisions, and Be Accountable, are at the heart of everything we do at Living Healthy List.

To gain perspective and confidence, increase your energy, and empower you to strive every day, I have reinvented the group coaching model to provide you with a custom experience without the custom price tag.


“I would have never believed that in three months, someone could coach me into creating dreams, living them, and being able to continue to generate a great life on my own. Of course, everyone needs support throughout life, but I am able to stand on my own two feet instead of needing a wheelchair’s worth of support!”

Gail K

“Working with Denise was awesome. Denise has a way of presenting information in an engaging, fun, and informative way that is like no other.  Not only did I pick up new ideas, but I was also inspired to be reintroduced to the basics of health.” 


Sherri H.

“Denise gives great advice about ways to improve your health and live a happy, full life. Her suggestions are useful and make such a positive difference! She is a wealth of knowledge and has lots and lots of common sense!” 

Mary S.


Healthy Living, Happy Life 

A 12- Month Experience that puts you on the path to a happier, healthier you…so you can feel and perform at your best!

 Here’s just a taste of what you’ll discover when you enroll: 

Everything You Need to Know About Habits

Chances are, you’ve developed unhealthy habits over the course of your life … and they may be so engrained, you don’t even recognize them. These habits are the real reason you continue to struggle with your health! Once you uncover them and replace them with healthy habits, you are empowered to change your life.


The Truth About Dieting

If you’ve struggled to make diets work for you, long-term, you’re probably implementing diets and eating styles that don’t align with your goals. The good news is that together, we can find an eating style that works for you—for your tastes, preferences, and lifestyle.


The Magic of Family Meal Planning


If you’re already overwhelmed and frazzled, family meal planning might feel like another hassle—an extra “to-do” on your already-crowded list. Believe it or not, planning and prepping your meals and aligning them with your eating style is life-changing.


How to Get Active (No Matter What You’ve Told Yourself)


I’ve spoken to hundreds of women through my coaching, and the majority of them say they haven’t exercised … they don’t have time; there are too many people at the gym; they can’t stick to a routine on their own … you name it, I’ve heard it. The truth is, to achieve whole health, you must exercise! And it can be enjoyable while improving your energy levels, relationship, and confidence.

How to Ditch the Chaos and Live with Intention


So many of my clients feel disorganized, frazzled, and forgetful. I get it. I’ve been there. The solution is simple: live with intention, so that each element of your day ties into your values and goals. Although it is simple, I know it can be hard to implement. That’s why I’m sharing my proven methods.



How to Improve Your Sleep Quality, and Your Life


The busy-ness and chaos that infuse your life are killing your sleep. That’s making you fatigued and irritable, and unable to live with the joy you crave. The good news is that you can take action to improve your sleep quality, which will in turn improve your life, from your mood and relationships to your productivity.



How to Get Past Mindset Traps so You Can Thrive


If you’ve struggled to reach your health (and other) goals, chances are you’ve created mindset traps for yourself. These can stop you from going after and achieving what you really want. With the right mindset in place and the accountability to follow through, you can become unstoppable!


You’ll master the Healthy Living Happy Life Method, which, in short, means you’re going to discover and implement practical, actionable strategies to shift your mindset and create tangible changes in your life—changes that leave you feeling better and living better.


You may be thinking, This sounds like a lot, Denise! How are we going to cover all this?


First, I want you to know that you don’t have to do this alone. My team of health and wellness experts and I—and your fellow members—will be there with you, every step of the way.


Healthy Living, Happy Life offer you the opportunity to reinvent your health, find the lifestyle that works for you so you can live an energetic, vibrant purpose filled life that you love!  


Healthy Living, Happy Life includes:

  • A private, closed-door strategy session before we begin, so you can create a plan that is specific to you and your goals, dreams, and desires.

  • The 8-week Healthy Living, Happy Life Method We focus on where you are now and where you want to be—in all different areas of your life.

  • Monthly masterclasses plus Q&A, covering topics related to the pillars of the Healthy Living, Happy Life Method: You’ll learn what real food is and isn’t, how to create goals you’ll actually be excited about reaching, and how to be accountable and set boundaries.

  • 12 month access to our Wellness Platform, where you’ll stay engaged, earn incentives, and track your goals. This will help you stay committed and accountable—and create results!

  • Access to me during weekly office hours, so you can get all your questions answered.

  • Prizes, because hard work deserves rewards!


Healthy Living, Happy Life Does NOT include:





Difficult exercise routines

You will experience…

 By now, you’re probably wondering how much the Living Healthy Membership costs.

I would love for you to consider it an investment rather than a cost. It WILL pay off in terms of your overall health and happiness.

That being said, how much is it worth to you to know that you’ll finally have the information, inspiration, and support to get and stay healthy, and even reach your personal goals around relationships, career, and more?

I know from my own experience that it’s priceless.

Until May 1, 2023, the investment for the 12-month Healthy Living, Happy Life Membership is $599, which works out to about $50 per month. Many of my clients spend more than this on extraneous meals out, coffee shop drinks, and unhealthy, on-the-go snacks.

I’m confident that with what you save on food costs after you learn my meal-planning techniques, you’ll quickly recover this investment.

And you make this investment at almost no risk! If you show up, do the work, and participate, and still feel like you aren’t getting the results, I’ll offer you a private session to help you get on track.

That being said, the Healthy Living, Happy Life is for you only if you’re willing to put in the time and do the work … with all the expert guidance and support the program offers, of course.



I’m in!


Still have questions? 

 Here are my answers to some of the questions I hear most frequently.

 Q: I’ve already got plenty of bills. How can I justify this expenditure?

A: Again, this membership is an investment in your health … one that will pay off in big ways. Not only will you receive practical advice for making long-term health changes that get you real results, but you’ll also get expert guidance and strategies for reaching goals in all areas of your life. This program creates whole-life transformation. What is that worth to you?


Q: I’m busy, overwhelmed, and frazzled as it is. How can I justify adding another “thing” to my schedule?

A: Many of my clients feel overwhelmed and frazzled because they’ve unknowingly created bad habits that rob them of energy, productivity, and efficiency, and cause them more stress. As I mentioned above, here, you’ll receive practical strategies! Some of these strategies are designed to help you identify and change harmful habits, so you’ll feel more energized and organized, and less frazzled. Allow yourself 5 minutes a day and 30-60 minutes per week to get the best results.


Q: I feel like I’ve tried just about everything to get healthy. How is the Healthy Lifestyle List Membership unique, and how do I know it will work for me?

A: Healthy Living, Happy Life is unique because it revolutionizes the group coaching model, so you get customized advice at a lower investment level, and because it lasts for an entire year. Throughout that year, you’ll receive expert guidance, powerful resources, and the support you need to take action and create the results.


Q: Do you offer refunds?

A: No. Because of the nature of this work, I offer a value-back guarantee. If you show up, do the work, and participate, and still don’t feel like you’re getting results, I’ll give you a private session to get you on track. I’m committed to you getting results, and I know this program works!