
For more than 15 years, Coach Kiki has used The 3 Keys to Communication© to help sales pros & small biz owners cycle out of fight-or-flight in the moment through self-awareness & mindfulness.

With Coach Kiki & Kiddos, she now helps entrepreneuring families integrate each individual's values to speak truth with love.

LaChelle Wieme is nurse anesthetist and former faculty for the Mayo Clinic Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Program. She has traveled the country speaking at anesthesia seminars and is now speaking for national audiences, sharing her passion for leadership, personal accountability, and time management (you can find a way to do it all). Her doctorate research involved coaching (helping other people reach their potential) and teaching others how to coach. She is a John Maxwell Team certified public speaker and coach. She has channeled her love for serving others through her virtual skincare franchise, which she primarily runs from her phone and coaches others how to be successful in their own franchise. Within her first year in business, LaChelle rose to the top 2% of her direct-sales company and is passionate about helping others do the same.

When she’s not delivering anesthesia, traveling the country speaking, or running her business, you’ll find her volunteering at her church, leading women in business meetings, teaching the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University course, and spending time with her husband Andy, son Koren, daughter Leighton, and dog Charlotte. Her guiding values of faith, service, and growth guide her in everything she does and she finally feels like she is living out her purpose, ready to help others do the same.

Elizabeth Sherman is a life and weight loss coach who works with (mostly) women to lose weight and feel better through managing easy to do, sustainable habits.: diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management. Using certain cues, including Cravings, Hunger, Energy, Stress (mood), and Sleep, she helps folks design the right health program for their body and lifestyle, and address the obstacles and barriers we encounter when trying to be consistent in our desired habits. We can achieve optimal health; which leads to better energy, focus, productivity, relationships, and happiness in our lives.

Elizabeth is a Chicago native, but now lives in Puerto Morelos Mexico, and meets with her clients online. She is a certified life coach, nutritionist, personal trainer, and health coach.

Elizabeth has a successful podcast called Done With Dieting. Check it out hby clicking the link below.

My name is Sofia Adams and I am a naturopathic doctor at Vale of Health, a virtual naturopathic consulting practice. I have specialized in homeopathy and lifestyle modifications to optimize vitality and individualize care for a variety of health concerns. It is my duty to help ignite the self-healing mechanisms each one of us contains by addressing the foundational determinants of our health and provide holistic recommendations that create a driving force for our body to regain our health. When I am not helping clients, I enjoy working with my husband on our farm, gardening, and trying new recipes in our kitchen.

Empowerment Coach/ Generous Optimist / Compassionate Storyteller/Champion of Choice and Courage

Diane McClay is in the business of effecting positive change by engaging choice and exploring life with courage. Founder of The Choice and Courage Company,© Diane believes the keys for emotional freedom lie within Awareness, Choice and Perspective.

Diane hosts two, live radio shows on Transformation Talk Radio featuring insightful conversations and compassionate storytelling. Each episode highlights new opportunities to reframe fear and regret and transform one’s self into a lighter way of living.

Diane draws inspiration from her Pacific Northwest playground, dogs, and 23-year-career as Park Ranger. Nature and service continue to be the nexus to clarity, creativity, confidence.

“As a kid, I dreamed of being a park ranger and a published author. Ironically, my first published work came after the fallout of leaving a dream career. The Choice and Courage Company was born from the lessons I learned along that journey.”

Diane is a founding member of and contributor to the Kornelia Stephanie Media Group Ap (downloadable free from Apple or Google Play stores).

Soul-Confidence leads to Legacy.

What I do: I COACH YOU TO CONFIDENCE infusing Soul Intelligence into your consciousness. Using appreciative inquiry, intuition, inspiration, and proven methodology, I help you get confident to reinvent yourself, live a well-life, and turn passion into a meaningful legacy.

I HELP MATURE WOMEN GROW INTUITIVE BUSINESSES from the intersection of life experience and intuition. My passion for helping women is steeped in being momma to my daughters, Rebecca and Sarah. I'm fierce about creating a better world for them; a loving planet of well-humanity to support all of our youngers.


COACH -- I COACH MATURE WOMEN TO CONFIDENTLY REINVENT THEMSELVES, INFUSING 'SoQ'-Soul Intelligence-INTO LIFE & WORK, HONORING LIFE'S WISDOM & INTUITION. ... "Wow." "On target every time,"​ "Remarkable Intuition"​ "Fun!"​ ... I dive right in and find what's there by grabbing your heartstrings and weaving them together w/your own skills & traits using Positivity as a needle. Whether it's coaching a mature woman to start or grow her own Intuitive Business, helping w/Abundance Mindset to grow financial freedom or helping a woman discover & impact her philanthropic passion, I always get the same response: "Thank you, from the bottom of my heart."

Thomas Petty has had psoriasis, an autoimmune disease, his entire life and was diagnosed at an early age. After several decades, he became frustrated by the lack of results from traditional options that were offered by his own physicians. He started researching other methods of controlling his skin, and after ten years of reading, researching and experimentation – by healing his gut – he has gotten his skin 99% clear and into almost complete remission.

Coincidentally, his wife became seriously ill (and subsequently permanently disabled) because of a mystery illness that all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t figure out. He immersed himself in researching medical conditions, especially other autoimmune (AI) diseases. His wife’s own extremely rare AI disease took the best minds in the field, brain surgery and ultimately over three years to diagnose.

After implementing the changes that Tom had discovered for himself (which the doctors scoffed at), her own AI disease has gone completely into remission and has never returned.

His passion is helping people to get their autoimmune disease into a better state or even into remission.

Thomas lives in the San Francisco Bay Area in California with his wife, Joanne, of over 20 years, and he has two adult step-daughters.

He has been a web designer and online marketer for over 15 years and been involved with technology for over 30 years, including a two-decade IT career at a Fortune 100 company.