First of all, you are probably wondering what is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome  (PCOS) is in the first place.  PCOS is a chronic endocrine system disorder and the most common cause of female infertility that affects 6% to 12% of US women of reproductive age.  The symptoms may vary from woman to woman which can make it difficult to diagnose.
 Stephanie Long, MD of One Medical,  explains,  if you have PCOS, your ovaries and uterus “don’t get the signals in the right way” from your brain, leading to a slew of damaging health effects that impact your everyday life.
One of the more common symptoms of PCOS is that women don’t get their periods or they get them irregularly.   But it’s a lot more than that.  This lifelong health condition continues far beyond the child-bearing years.
Irregularities in your menstrual cycle is one thing but there are additional symptoms that you should; be aware of. Let’s dig a little deeper and look at symptoms.
Direct symptoms
  • Irregular Menses (scant, prolonged, heavy, absent, painful)
  • Excess Androgen (facial + body hair, acne, greasy skin)
Indirect symptoms
  • Abnormal Insulin
  • Abnormal Blood sugar
  • Infertility
  • Abnormal Cholesterol and Lipoproteins
  • Depression and Anxiety



What causes PCOS?
That is a great question!  The exact cause is unknown. We do know that genetics, hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance, and inflammation play a role!
The Good News
Three out of the four cases can be reversed!  OK, clearly you can’t reverse your genetics, though wouldn’t that be nice?  Hormonal imbalances create elevated androgens (a group of hormones related to male traits) and make it harder for the ovaries to release a mature egg.  Insulin resistance causes a change in how the cells of the body react to insulin.  Chronic inflammation is the final frontier.


Why is this important?

It is important because we need to understand the cause!  I said cause, not symptoms; what is causing the problems you are experiencing. It is essential to understand the impact that your diet has and how nutrient deficiencies can exacerbate your condition.


What causes insulin resistance?
  • Sugar
  • Too many simple carbohydrates
  • Low muscle mass
  • Inflammation
  • Too much adipose tissue – fat tissue
  • Too many trans fats
  • Nutrient deficiency – Chromium, Zinc, Selenium
  • Chronic high cortisol – Dysregulation
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup
  • Lack of sleep

Insulin resistance may be part of the metabolic syndrome which has been associated with a higher risk of developing heart disease.  Many people with insulin resistance are overweight or obese and struggle with complications of insulin resistance including type 2 diabetes.



How Your Body Processes Sugar

I know this image is a bit technical but I’ve included it to give you a general understanding of how glucose (sugar) cholesterol is used in your body.

Sugar is about modulating energy. Cholesterol is needed for hormones, fighting inflammation through antioxidants, and for your brain.

Cholesterol is NOT the bad guy.

Sugar is,  so go ahead and eat those free-range chicken eggs for breakfast but in moderation, of course.

Did you know, in 2005, Boston University researchers found a link between high total cholesterol and cognitive performance?!

  • 789 men, 1005 women
  • Free of dementia and stroke
  • Followed for 16-18 years
  • Cognitive tests ever 4-6 years

Results – Significant positive linear association between total cholesterol and measures of verbal fluency, attention/concentration, abstract reasoning, and a composite score measuring multiple cognitive domains. – You can read the entire study here.

It is clear that diet, healthy weight, exercise, and proper supplementation can give you your life back from PCOS. It’s time to get back to health! Stittleburg Restorative Health Care can help!  Connect with me here!


​Dr. Taryn


Additional Research

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