Reading is one of the best pastimes. It’s good for our brains, helping relieve stress and improving concentration. It’s also good for our bodies, relieving muscle tension and decreasing our heart rate. However, finding time to read in our busy schedules is hard. If you need an extra push, we’ve gathered four reasons you should read more this fall so you feel motivated to curl up with a good book.


Fall Is the Last Publishing Season of the Year

Most publishers have three publishing seasons. Winter stretches from January to April or May. Summer stretches from April or May to August or September. Fall stretches from August or September to December. If you start reading this fall, you can catch up on any new summer books you missed or jump into the fresh fall publications. You’ll know the best books before they even make it to BookTok!


You Can Find Inspiration for Your Halloween Costume

Some people plan their Halloween costumes months in advance. If you prefer to wait and see what inspiration strikes, then you may still need some ideas. Reading can flood you with ideas! Books are full of characters that you can dress up as for Halloween. Read the biography of a real person and have fun impersonating them for the night, or find a fictional character you love and want to share with others through your costume.


Cooler Temperatures Mean You Can Snuggle in With Your Books

Reading will help relieve stress and provide the other benefits we mentioned no matter when you do it. However, there’s a reason you always hear the phrase “curling up with a good book.” There’s nothing as wonderfully cozy as grabbing a book and blanket to sit down and read. Bring a hot drink and light some candles for the perfect fall ambience.


You Deserve Quiet Time Between Summer and Winter

Blankets, books, candles, and hot drinks can signal some quiet self-care time. After a busy summer taking vacation time or socializing while your kids were out of school, you need a break. Reading is a great way to give yourself that much-needed break. While you can watch movies or let yourself vegetate on social media, reading a physical book is a great way to create a healthier relationship with technology. You’ll also need lots of self-care time to prepare yourself for the impending winter holiday madness.

You should read more this fall because of the reasons we listed above and because it’s good for you. Our bodies deserve good care, and reading can help us accomplish that!

Emma Radebaugh

Emma Radebaugh

Emma is a writer and editor passionate about providing accessible, accurate information. Her work is dedicated to helping people of all ages, interests, and professions with useful, relevant content.